Hi guys!
Sorry it has been so long. I have been working lots and lots - got to get it while you can over here. I will reply to everyones messages on saturday when i can sit down and do it properly. the past week has been a bitty hectic but i think it should start to settle. i have some new photies for you to look at (sorry mum , no scenery pictures this week)
Last weekend we had a big BBQ at niamh's house for the guys. It was great, we had much scampiness (scampy tool of choice this week - pistachio nuts). There was also a bit of country dancing going on - didn't realise i had such talent! Didn't get home until 8ish - always a sign that it's been a good party! There was some kind of ladies marathon going when we were heading home so we all pretended to be athletes. My legs are still in recovery - doing leg lunges all the way down the road seemed like a good idea at the time! On Sunday we sat and baked in the garden for a few hours. Monday night we went out for a big meal to say good bye to ruffy, scott and michael. It was yummy. Tuesdaythe guys left and i was supposed to be moving next door as sholah was moving in (she kind of moved in the week before but was sleeping on the couch). I went next door and there was a french boy in the bed i was supposed to be in so i ditched the move until i got home that evening. The german girls who were meant to be moving into the guys room didn't show up so yesterday me, sholah and claire moved into the big room which suits me much better. Although it does smell a bit foostie still (ruffy!). yesterday two irish girls moved into the small room. One of them is an accountant and keeps looking at us funny. Hopefully she will calm down a bit. Last night after work we had a BBQ in the back garden and then stayed up girly chatting for ages - guys you wouldn't recognise the place!
Work is really poo but managable. The people i work with are sound so that makes things a little better. Had a bit of a tete a tete with a woman on the phone yesterday and she took my name so she could complain about me - tut tut!! I have spoken to a few scottish shareholders the past few days and they have been the only ones that were pleasant to me, all the other shareholders hate my guts! One guy seemed to think because i was scottish, i would know his cousin in torbrex!
It's kind of weird without the guys here as we were all scamping about together but I've got lots of buddies so i am never alone. I'm starting to act like a girl again!!
Saw the new magazine - well done suzanne, bet your knackered! I recognise that front cover from somewhere?! I had a wee chuckle to myself reading all the exciting stories from the world of waste. fee I am glad you used my hand shots - what a celebrity. i'm surprised i haven't had model agencies banging down the door!
Miss everyone heaps
smithers XXX
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