Hi all!!
Feeling lots better! Still not much to update however! It's been pretty hot over here (33 degrees yeeeheee). Went a wander up to chapel street the other day. There is a nightclub on Chapel street that opens on friday and doesnt shut until monday - now that's a challenge if ever I heard one!!
Met Iain holly from stirling the other night and we went to a comedy show. It was nice to catch up but he was pretty tired. Hopefully I'll see him tonight again though. While I was waiting on Iain showing up the other night this guy started chatting to me and said he could get me work. I was a bit sceptical about it all, but sure enough i had an interview this morning and I start next week. We still have to sort out pay as they have basically just made up this post. It's working for an events company based in the zoo! So i'll get to hang around with my furry friends again yeay!!! Spent two hours there this morning pottering about the zoo but there was loads of school kids so decided i'd had enough animal love for the day.
yesterday me and the guys took all the living room furniture out to the back garden and chilled out in the sun, listening to music and eating copius amounts of ice lollies - this is the life!!
Tonight me and the guys are having some drinks with the girls next door and possibly heading out for an hour - got to save the pennies though so having an early night!
Speak to you all later folks!
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