hi guys!
Its 9pm and me andthe parents have just got in from a day of touching koala bums and taking pictures of the backs of peoples heads! Yes, me and the folks went to steve irwins place today and i was really surprised - it was really good!
We got picked up at 6.30 am (groan) and spent an hour or two picking people up along surfers paradise. There was lots of kids on the bus. one was kicking my seat and a few in front of me were making adverse noise for 7am in the morning. I sorted the ones in front out with a 'look of death' and they soon settled down but the poxy child behind kept kicking at my sense of humour for the whole journey - grrr!
once we got to steve's place we fed the elephants, watched an information show on crocs, snakes and birds. we then went and visited tigers and a million other things. Me and my mum got a bit carried away withthe koalas - they were so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was suitably impressed by the place. they actually try and educate visitors about the animal trade, about saftey and respect of animals and they didnt make the animals do tricks.
I have no idea what we are going to do tonight but i reckon i will be in bed in the next hour! its pelting it down with rain again so nottoo many options.
Vicky, nice to hear from you! Yeah the wedding seems like ages ago now! It was so nice to see will and isla (and of course paul and gem) and have some sillyness!
nighty night
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