We are now in shanghai, city of revolution and vice- the phrase "to be shanghaied" refers to the latter and being tricked into unvirtuous behavior. Lets hope we can keep our wits about us even in the dizzying crowds and humidity!
Shanghai was the birthplace of the the communist party in 1921 and also boasts British and french neighbourhoods as a result of invasions in the 19th century.
Today we get dad a custom made suit and maybe visit the propaganda museum- but for now gotta jet to find our driver!!
... Well I found him, Stan the man, and since the airport's wifi wasn't working very well I couldn't post anything so this entry continues-
The one thing dad impressed upon me before we left was that the no 1 cause of death in china is from car accidents.... I am currently watching him ask our driver to point out things on a miniature english map while taxiing us to our hostel... Uhh?
- we are now safely checked into our yellow room, a very prosperous colour according to fung shui! Once dad is settled, we are out to catch the metro to the tailoring district.
Shanghai has some beautiful and interesting buildings, from upside-down red pyramids to russian soviet exhibition centers with strategically placed trees and gardens packed in wherever there is room, it seems. Very unlike the increasingly drab landscape of the Americas.
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