Arrived in Agra after a horrific night in AC3, god Indian people can be so loud and inconsiderate! Agra is busy, dusty and dirty and there's monkey's EVERYWHERE but we're used to that now. Because we'd changed our plans we were no longer stopping over, we had to lock our rucksacks in the lockers at the station for Rs20. We got a taxi to the Taj Mahal after being hassled to do a full tour, how many ways of saying 'no' is there?!
It was just after sunrise so not the middle of the day but it was still boiling! Realising it would cost Rs750 each and not having enough money it was off on a rickshaw to find an ATM! Once that fiasco was over we finally made it into the Taj, that was after queing up, going through metal detectors, having a personal and bag search and having to take my book, pen, sweets, phone, i-pod to the lockers approx 100m away as they were 'forbidden' items!
Walking up to the Taj it looked absolutely stunning, the marble shone in the sun and it was beautiful. We walked around and took some pics but we were aware that our next train didn't leave till 17.40 that evening so we had a lot of time to kill. We left the Taj and got a tuk tuk to McDonalds as we didn't know where else to go, good old Macca D's!! (At least it was A/C!)
After we dragged that out for as long as possible we got in another tuk tuk and mooched around town, all they want is money, money, money and it gets a bit much so after the driver took us to his 'brother's shopping centre' which was one shop selling what can only be described as tat, we asked him to just drop us off at the train station where we would just sit and wait for our train. Agra station luckily had an AC1 waiting room where we could sit and read without being harrassed. Two young girls came and spoke to us, their English was brilliant for a 10 and 8 year old so we chatted to them for a while. Another Indian girl came over and asked if she could have a photo with us as we looked 'cute'! Don't mind talking to anyone as long as they aren't just out to see how many Rupees they can get out of us!!
Eventually got on the train and the journey to Udaipur had begun. . . ..
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