Our journey from Antigua to Panajachel was somewhat bumpy and treacherous haha... Very glad to say we got there safely!! We then had to get onto a little fishing-type boat in order to cross Lake Atitlan and arrive at the village of San Pedro! It was a hazy day but the lake is nonetheless beautiful... We had good views of San Pedro volcano on the way...
When we arrived at San Pedro, I had to drag my stupid heavy suitcase up so many stairs- never ever would I travel to Central America again without a back pack! We were advised to stay at a hostel called Mr Mullets... It was the first hostel as you get off the water which was ideal... We booked into what they called an "apartment".... Um, ya... Definitely not the best place we've stayed in but at least it was cheap?! To paint the picture for you- if you agreed to having your hair shaved into a mullet, you would get your second night free as well as a shot of tequila! Haha.. Oh well! Yolo!
Sarah is man down. I went to grab a chicken baguette sandwich and a papaya smoothie while she slept as I was starving after our long journey! San Pedro is not at all what I expected it to be... It's quite a crummy old place with lots of hippies and people that just seem to have lost their way... The locals themselves are very friendly but live in a fair state of poverty and truth be told I'm not really sure why people rave about this place so much! It doesn't seem worth the journey to get here to be honest... Anyways, I set off walking for about 1,5 hours and actually enjoyed seeing the local Mayans carrying on with their day to day business... The women, men and children still mostly dress in their colourful traditional clothing and seem to live a happy simple life! After exploring the island thoroughly, I was THRILLED to find my other friends Vicky and Barbara (and their travel buddies Sume and Ryan) as they arrived at the village... They had come from Semuc Champey which I would have loved to have visited but unfortunately with Sarah's state was not an option... After trying about 4 different hotels and hostels with the gang, they were forced to settle at Famiglia Gonzalez as it was the only place available to them at this hour of the day... It's a toss up as to whose got it worse in terms of accommodation haha... To paint this picture, Ryan had to carry the mattress into the room haha...
After finally settling (poor gang hit a dog on their shuttle to San Pedro and got a flat tyre so they were not happy chappies), the 5 of us decided it was time for a nice dinner! We found a cute little spot and spoiled ourselves with delicious (unhealthy) food... We went out to a place called Buddha Bar for a bit - met up with the guys I had met on our boat - an American and Canadian who now live and work in Antigua - a sign perhaps for me?? ;) But we were all very tired so decided to call it a night! Long tiring day but part of the journey... We'll see what tomorrow holds!
Lesson of the day: Always always research accommodation!!
Moment of the day: Seeing Vicks and Barbara finally arrive!!
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