Today we drove out to the Adelaid River to see the jumping crocks we were too early so we went into the Wetlands museum its run by the indiginist people and was very well set out ,all the different birds , snakes, and other wildelife. On the way to the boat there was a dam with brolgers ducks swans buffalo and lots of water lillies,very pretty. Before we went on the boat the guid bought out a python which we were able to hold he was cute. The Adelaid River is app. 180klm long and has 2 1/2 half to 10 thousand crocks. The first crock to jump for some meat was a female with both her front legs gone from fighting, next was stumpy a 4.8 mtr male with one back leg missing, we had 5 different salties jump for meat and they come quite high out of the water. We also saw a sea eagles being fed , they also fed the whistling kites. She told us a male salty can outpace a race horse over 30 mtr. The whistling Kites can start fires they pick up an ember from a fire and drop it in the scrub to start another fire and wait for the little critters to run out. Quite an interesting day enjoyed it very much.
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