Say 'hi" to the sphinx for me. Play that fun game with your thumb ("Got Your Nose!!")
Deb Hash
Have a great time. Looking forward to pic's. A friend has a son studying in Arcochon France. He spent last week in Spain. He also gets to go to Egypt for part of his studies. He is also going to be in Germany and Ireland and wherever else he can get. I say don't it while you are young. I understand the only one bag. We always travel light on the motorcylces.
Aunt Deb
Mayumi Oga
Your trip sounds exciting!! I'm looking forward to seeing your photos. Strange and funny ones would be better. Have a grea~~~~t trip!!
Erik Aka Amy's Big Brother
Good luck, have fun, be safe. Thanks for finally letting your family in on the blog so we can keep track of you.
Mary Beth
Have a great trip! Bring back some of that yummy candy that we used to eat. Stay safe and have fun!
Marcy Kennelly
Mike and I are so excited for you both! We are looking forward to following your adventures. love, Marcy and Mike
Martha Ibarra
I am so excited for you both! Have a great time and have lots of fun! I'll be waiting for photos.
Lord Warren
Remember ... dont forget the Biltong :)
4 more sleeps until you go. Have a great time. will be watching the web cite
Dont forget to give Tomo a hug from me and say thanks for the postcard
Kia Kaha
Jason Seaman
Carry-on only? You guys are hardcore!! Of course, it *is* the best way to travel; less-is-more and all that. You'll always have a place to stay in Southern California!! -j
Yvette Bates
Hey guys,
Have a wonderful adventure see you in a month when you hit Australian shores. Warning it is winter here, very cold about 10 degrees overnight and 25'C during day bbrrrhhh!!