Thanks for taking the time to include us on this trip...I think you could put your writings together and make it into a book. There are some great facts in these writings! Happy Traveling Blessings, Maria B.
Alyssa Ireton
hey, i'm really enjoying your blog, it sounds like you're getting to so many interesting places!! have a great time in thailand, i'm looking foward to seeing the photos!!
Pics still aernt showing up :(
I think you tried to post some pictures of India, but I can't find them.
Please don't have a heart attack.....yes it is me and I am enjoying reading all your blogs. What a ball. Enjoy your trip. Mom and I look forward to seeing all the pictures.
Hi Simon and Amy! Hong Kong! Wow! You have really seen an interesting part of the world on this trip. Amy, you are as bad as me, working on your masters this summer, just like me! In a couple of weeks, we are off for Las Vegas so that is our favorite place in the world! Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures when you get back. Stay well! Love, Marcy
Aunt Kathy
I am having so much fun living through your adventures! Finals are over so I can take time and re-read and look at the pictures.
What a great thing this is for the two of you--for ALL of us. Keeping your safety in my prayers.
Aunt Kathy
Wow! Everest. I sure look forward to reading your updates, Simon. Amy, have you looked at the demolition pictures yet? Many posted. Weather here hasn't been too bad or stormy yet. Hot, but some irregularly cool nights. Bet you guys are seeing and will see all extremes. Jay
My goodness! You are going to places like the "Little Princess" went to in those old Shirley Temple movies!! It all sounds so exciting! Love to keep hearing from you and all your travels.
Love, Marcy
Mary Busciglio
Loved your photos of India and reading about your experiences. I've always wanted to go there.
Sounds like the fun continues! We were off on our own adventure in Chicago seeing the sites and taking in a wedding with the WHOLE family! It was a blast! We walked almost 3 miles on the "magnificent mile" of michigan ave. and we thought of you walking, walking, walking!!! Have fun and stay well! Love, marcy and michael
Courtni Darpino
Hey Guys!
I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your trip around the world! I thought of you on Saturday when we were at EPCOT taking our trip around the world, Disney style! Be safe and have fun! Love