You may think you're bored, Simon, but sounds pretty exciting to me!
Keep having a great time! You will always remember this.
Love, marcy
Marcy Kennelly
Already back from Las vegas and had a great time! I think we are helping to build the hotels and casinos there! Already meetings are being scheduled for school and our new theme is: where everyone is above and beyond! That certainly is the both of you! Glad you have had a fabulous time! Thinking of you both!
Loev, marcy
Vicki Dilfer
Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! Can't believe you are winding down on your wonderful trip! Was wondering what kinds of wine you talked Simon into buying? Sounds sinfully delicious! mmmmm
Will see your Mom and Mindy at Erica and James' baby shower on Sunday.
Look forward to more pictures and blog update!
Aunt Vicki
i cant believe you guys are almost on your last leg, it feels like just yesterday we dropped you at the airport... well you what they say "you saved the best for last" SA wohoo ....
FYI, Chad and Courtney just left for Brisbane. They will be checking their email. Thought that you may be able to connect them with Si's sister and brother-in-law for some local knowledge. Mindy says they just left and will arrive Tuesday morning local time. Chad is the first to present Wed. morning. They were planning on heading to surfer's paradise at some point.
Mindy said that everyone had a good time at the ladies' weekend. Dad and I managed to keep Ella alive all on our own.
Hope everything is still going well.
Hi Amy and Simon,
Sounds like you all are having a great time!!!
Congrats to you Amy on finishing your papers. ENJOY the rest of your "holiday" as Simon would say. I finally got in to the photobucket today as I sat down and spent some time. (Simon u know how slow I am). Enjoyed the pictures and Amy I luv the pictures with u and the kangaroos. They don't kick?
We love reading your updates at work that it what is bailing you out Simon so keep them up!!!
Miss you guys!! Take Care!! And Simon enjoy your family!
oops! forgot to tell you. Tuttle is an A school and made AYP!
love, marcy
So glad you could see everyone in Simon's family and simon you could see so many family members. great! Off to vegas in the morning!
love, marcy and mike
Brian & Monica
Howdy guys, This is Brian and Monica saying hi. Well actually its just Brian, but hi from both of us nonetheless. Everything sounds incredible and your only halfway "ish". How the heck did ya hear about this website. This is great. Ahhhh, the little things in life, like a trip ' round ' the ' world :) Looking forward to more adventures from the other side. Talk to you guy's soon.
Brian & Monica
Your fun continues! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time in Japan! Take care of yourselves!!!
Love, Marcy
Marcy Kennelly
Hi, it's me again! Love to hear from you and read all about your trip. Only Amy could work on her paper and travel at the same time! You have a special lady there, Simon! This is a trip of a lifetime for the two of you! I agree with Maria that you could write a book about your travels. Take care...Love, Marcy (and Michael too)
Si dont forget to watch the Kiwis get beaten by the world champs on Sat :-) ... also your Devil Rays are the beast team in Baseball here... best record in the League ... they just swept the Red Sox again! must be something in the water...