Managed to get up at 4am for breakfast and then we headed out at 5am to catch sunrise over Uluru.It's quite amazing as Uluru looks like a massive beast that's slowly moving across the landscape, when it's almost pitch black outside and you can just see Uluru as a massive behemoth.It's actually quite eerie, but it looks quite magnificent as the sun rises over it and you can slowly see the familiar red rock.I think I preferred the sunset over Uluru to the sunrise, but both were gorgeous.After watching the sunrise, we did the cultural Mala walk, which was lovely.Got to see the Patience cave and learnt that Uluru is actually a grey-ish colour and the familiar red colour that most people see is just a crust over it!A very pretty crust at that!Everyone apart from me, decided to walk around the almost 10km base of Uluru, but as I didn't want to top myself out for another day and night, I chose to do just the 5km base walk.It wasn't the hottest part of the day, but I'd realised my limits!! The 5km base walk was long enough though, even though I took my time taking photos and having a bit of a sit down every so often!Even the other people in the group said it was too long!It was very pretty though and you just can't stop looking at Uluru as you walk around it.There are so many holes, caverns, pits, curves, and so on that there is something new to look at after about every 10 paces!We went to the Cultural Centre afterwards to learn a bit more about aboriginal culture, and I even bought a little painting.It's a desert walka which is a desert design and has all the little dots and wavy lines that you see a lot of in aboriginal paintings.I like it anyways!Also, to go with our wildlife encounters, we got a bit of a silly shock in the ladies toilets as one of us turned on the tap and out squadged a frog!!It was so unexpected (poor thing was probably more surprised than we were!) that we just laughed for ages!It disappeared down the plughole again, and it was a fair size frog so heaven knows how it squished it's way through the pipe and tap, and then back down the plughole!!Saw my first dingo in the camp where we had lunch too!They're actually very cute looking but obviously a wild animal that people are strongly encouraged not to feed or go near.After trekking around Uluru and having some lunch, we got back in the 4wd and headed down to King's Canyon where we'd be doing more walks.It started to rain in the evening, so bang went my second chance to sleep outside.I probably should have done it the first night, but just really didn't fancy it after my hurling incident!!Also, we had to get up at 5am the next day (bit of a lie in from the previous day, no?) but it was still pretty early!Also, I'm wondering whether I'll be afraid of insects again after this trip as Australia really does specialise in LARGE ones!!The flies are huge, there are massive grasshoppers, and then all sorts of colours and shapes of bugs!!They just don't seem to want to keep themselves to themselves!!I know technically we're invading their space too, but I'll be so glad when I don't constantly have to bat things away from my face or brush things off my legs!!
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