I arrived at Koh Lipe yesterday (10th of Nov) travelling from Koh Mook. I was supposed to have reached Koh Lipe at 3pm, a 3 hour journey by ferry, but there were some technical issues with the ferry and we didn't arrive before 6:30pm and it was pitch black outside. We arrived on a floating dock 200meters from the beach and was told we had to pay a National Park Fee of 200 THB for entering Koh Lipe and then 50 THB for a longtail boat from the floating dock to the beach. Good thing I had some monies left and hadn't spend it all at Koh Mook. I only read in Lonely Planet that we'd probably have to pay for a longtail boat to the beach but no one had told us that we needed to pay a National Park entrance fee. Usually there's a small entrance fee of 10-20 THB for entering an Island but nothing like this fee. It's not huge when you think about it but still if people hadn't had the monies... Then what ;-)
When we arrived at the beach with the longtail boat I didn't really know in which direction my hostel was located thus taking out my phone to check my offline map. A nice Thai man from a travel desk asked if he could help and gave me a map of Koh Lipe and explained the route from the beach to my hostel. Very kind of him.
It slowly started to rain and before I knew it I was soaking wet and my bags as well. So when I found the hostel I was very happy that it wasn't located on the main street called 'Walking street' where all the bars were blurring out loud music but instead 2 roads behind the 'party area' and therefore might be able to get some sleep. I probably looked like a cat that had been dragged through a pile of mud with sweat, wet clothes, sand and dirt all over - at least that's what I felt like and judging by the receptionists facial expression when she saw me I was right about my assumption ;-)
I threw my bags into the room and immediately headed for the restaurants in search of dinner since I hadn't had proper food in 3 hours on the ferry, only a lot of snacks.
Walking back to my hostel I meet the Dutch couple that also climbed aboard the ferry at Koh Mook. We had been talking on the ferry. They were picked up at the beach by their hotel owner, the hotel they were staying at was located on the Northern beach and we came by ferry from the South.
Today I haven't really been doing much. I went for a walk down the main street this morning after breakfast, ate some lunch, bought some snacks (of course) and walked back to my hostel since I was so stupid as to get my face sunburnt. So now I have a tanned face and the rest of my body is still quite pale and I have to stay in the shade for the next couple of days cause I don't have a hat that covers my face ;-)
By the way, I found these amazing snacks called "Jacks green beans". Whenever I see a bag of them in the store I just have to buy it. I try to fool myself by stating that they are much healthier than the other snacks but truth is they probably contain the same amount of Kcal as the regular chips.
- comments
Helene Det med ekstre betaling er vist meget alm. For som du skrev var der 200 meter til land og hvem har lyst til at svømme såååå de har regnet ud at folk betaler, og hvis de ikke har penge som du skriver ..... hvad så ?! Hoppe i vandet og svømme med bagage ? En lille gåtur i regn, dejligt du fik hjælp af den rare mand ..... Møsser
mette kaekt af dem, men hvor der er turister er der penge. Er ioevrigt yderst imponeret over dit engelske. Det er lidt snyd at det jo rent faktisk er bedre end mit... Haaber du nyder din nuvaerende destination:-) Her er julen saa smaat ved at goere sit indtog. Det irriterer vist de fleste, men jeg syens nu det er hyggeligt:-)
Camilla Jeg ved faktisk ikke hvad de ville ha gjort hvis folk ikke havde penge til at betale. Måske spørge en anden turist om man kunne låne indtil man kom ind på land og dernæst finde en ATM... Eller måske tage longtail båden med en kontrolant of betale når man kom ind på land? ;) Er glad for at jeg ikke behøver at vide det ;) Tak Mette, tror ikke at mit engelske er bedre end dit ;) Mit ordforråd på engelsk kommer lidt an på hvor træt jeg er og hvad jeg lige kan huske når jeg skal bruge det ... Hihi... Nogle gange når jeg taler med folk der ikke er så gode til engelsk, så blir mit engelske sjovt nok også dårligere.
Camilla Julen er også at finde her hvor jeg er nu i Malaysia, Langkawi. Der er pyntet op med julepynt, et lille juletræ i centeret og julesange bliver spillet på div restauranter :) Dog lidt underligt at sidde og spise Indisk mad og høre julesange i baggrunden :-) Langkawi har indbyggere fra flere forskellige religioner og lande. Det er virkelig dejligt at se at Indere, kinesere, muslimer, Malay folk osv. har accepteret hinanden.