Hiya Sis and Paul, hope you have had another fab day today. We have just got back from our day out, I am a bit burnt on my shoulders! Wesam has enjoyed his Birthday, me and Jaden are going to make some fairy cakes for him in a minute. Jaden sang Happy Birthday to him this morning both in English and in French, but the French version went like this: Banana versaire a toi! He is so funny! Speak to you soon x x x
Hiya Sis and Paul, I have been checking out you photos every day, they are so beautiful!!! I showed Mum on Wesams Iphone on Thursday and she was well impressed. Mum and Dad are off on their Hols tomorrow, so I will update them when they get back. Mum and Dad say hello by the way. It is Wesam's Birthday tomorrow, so we will hopefully be doing something nice. It is supposed to be 27 degrees tomorrow, but I will believe it when I see it! It's really cloudy and dark today. Thanks for Wesam's card by the way, he has opened it already - very funny! Take care, speak to you soon x x x The kids also say Hi x
Just have to say that I have been craving Thai/Malaysian/any eastern style food for a few days... I wonder why???!!! lol. By the way, why are the two of you never in the photos!?
Hiya Blimey we paid twice as much in Seim Reap and thought we had done well!! Don't forget try Raffles at Happy Hour for cocktails and free eats.
Ant x
Hey you two! Can't believe you're just over the road from me....I'm in Singapore! Sounds like you're having a ball. I'll make vegetarians out of you yet! I've had the luxury of 1 night in Sydney, and back here for the 2nd time before leaving tomorrow. I love it here. So STERILE! But I'm missing my Stanley and can't wait to get back. Keep posting.....how clever is this blogging malarky! x
Lynn & Dave
Hi guys so glad to catch up via the blog. Food sounds great - not so sure about all the wildlife!
It all looks stunning and you are obviously enjoying yourselves which is great.
Not missing much here just same old..... you don't want to know and why would you!
Keep up the blogs we are enjoying them
love Dave and Lynn xxxx
Hi you two, wow, you seem to be having a wonderful time! Enjoy every moment that comes your way. Look forward to hearing about your adventures! Love Auntie Val and John xxx
Hi Sis and Paul
Missing you already! The photos look amazing, I wish I was there too! I can't believe how cheap the food is, I bet it is gorgeous too, not like what I'm cooking for tea tonight :(
We went to Mum and Dad's house last night and showed Mum the blog on Wesam's iphone, we will give her another update on Sunday. Neil is keeping up daily in work.
Enjoy your evening x x x
Hi there Happy Travellers!
Wow! Those photos of the Petronas towers amazing - they look almost sci-fi! Love the food descriptions too.
Jan x
Hi You two!! Glad you got to the southern hemisphere in one piece and I'm enjoying your updates. It looks stunning and Paul's foodie descriptions are great!! Have to start calling him Floyd.
Rach xxx
Hi there! How good is this?!! Photos fantastic.
I'm jealous love KL, but less than 2 weeks now until our trip to Greece. Lunch today at desk in work, marmite butty and diet coke - your sounded much more glamourous. Good cheap food mall opposite the Novotel hotel, go into the basement it's where the locals eat and v cheap but really good quality. Ant x