Hiya! Glad to see Paul is getting over his illness. Love the scooter picture! Some of your stories are quite alarming... but I am guessing that it is all worth it!
Brian and I off work for the next week. I am sooo glad of it. A few days out and some work on the house. Tonight we are going over to Liverpool as it is the Liver Building's 100th anniversary and the opening of the new Museum of Liverpool, there will be music and what sounds like a great light show on the building itself. Take care! Jan xx
Oh No!!! Poor Paul!!! I hope you have fully recovered x
Still loving the photos, Jaden wants to know if you saw Mr Fredericksen at Paradise Falls? He was so excited when he saw the photo, Up is one of his favourite films, and that waterfall is almost exactly like the one in the film!
Take care, hope you have got your apetite back Paul x
Me again! sorry not messaged for a while been bit hectic. Can't believe youv'e already been travelling for a month. Loving the blogs and photies. amazing. Was a bit worried about your mountain adventure! Nice to see you are high maintenace now too lol. Me and Jan had a giggle about Sherpa Paul and wud luv to have seen a photo of him carrying everything. (sorry Paul!) Me and Sherpa Neil will be up the hills in next week or so . . need some exercise and scenery. take care u two love Ang n Neil xx
Hello you guys - good to see all the photos of your trip so far - just spent my lunch break paging through all the albums - annual wet fortnight in Devon looming large on the horizon, and not looking quite as exotic as yours! Love T, V & co (your old neighbours)
Hello to the two of you! Love the sleeper train pictures. You look very relaxed considering the circumstances..... The pictures of the beach!!! Heavenly. Not so sure about the big ants - I am not good with normal sized insects so I suspect I would travel around that part of the world running and screaming from them. lol. Not much to tell here. Still searching for the holiday whilst suffering from one of those weird summer colds. Great to see the two of you adventuring (hmm maybe not a real word there!) and looking so well but as Ang says.. will be great to see you both too when you get back. All the gang send their love. Helen is off to Zante in a couple of weeks. Andy's love life appears to be going strong -what good news! Keep on having fun and stay away from the outsized creepy crawlies! Love Jan xxx Ps Brian overcome with jealousy at the curry descriptions lol
Hi u two. The blog about the sleeper train had me doubled over! Could just see Sheryl's face! I think if there had of been alcohol around it would have been a vodka finger moment! Typical though someone who totally annoys you does something( just a little thing) nice and we all feel like the baddies!
keep up the blogs great to hear from u both. Looking forward to you coming home tho too! xx
Hi there
You are blazing a trail around that part of the world! Loving the photos. Particularly Cambodia. Still have my Thai food craving which I can do something about but Cambodian and Malaysian food a bit in short supply here. Ang, Helen and I went to a great new restaurant and bar called the Courtyard in Oxton on Tuesday. Excellent tapas and friendly owners. Red wine not bad either! Last Saturday Ang and I went for a long walk along the Sefton Coastal Trail - rather than the museums - as the weather was gorgeous. Totally sunburned. Weather not going to be so good this weekend so I will settle for reading your blog and finding our holiday for September! Keep on having fun! Love Jan xx
Hi Sheryl&Paul just got back from Cyprus today. First time I,ve had to look at your bloggs because Kath didn't tell me about it untill we were on the plane. She should open her mail more often. At last you both have found your vocation, You as the narrator and Paul as the producer. By September there could be a book [you know Paul those things you never read] or even a film. With the royalties you could finance your next trip. Its clear that you are both enjoying yourselves by the reactions your getting from those you are catching on camera. Keep yourselves safe and keep on enjoying yourselves. Love Chris.
Hi Sis and Paul! Neil here sneaking on the internet at work! I haven't had as much chance as I'd like to keep up with your blogs but my aim today is to say sod off to the sunshine and stay in at lunch to catch up. Some of the photo's are class though! At a festival called Cazfest this weekend ( on the same bill as S Club and Sugababes... Rock and Roll!) and might be going to Chester Rocks to see Iggy and the Stooges as we got complimentary tickets! Will message again very soon once I have caught up! Hope you're both having loads of fun!
Much Love!
Neil x
Hi you two. Wow you both seem to be having a really great time. The photos are amazing! Using today as a day to catch up with all the things I need to do for myself! I LOVE being off!!! Well happy travelling speak soon lots of love Ang & Neil xxx
Happy End Massage, I think they do those in the massage place by Mum's house! Lol! I've been off work for the last two days with Mum and Dad not being able to look after Jaden. It was nice and sunny yesterday, so I took him to Sefton Park. We will be going to another park this afternoon, as the weather is nice again. I'm only in work 1 day this week, as we are on strike on Thursday, and the Nursery is closed again on Friday for an open day. Liam is off both Thursday and Friday, so I am hoping to go somewhere nice with them. Speak to you soon, Love you x x x
Hi there
Yep, I agree best not to go for the 'happy end' massage. Intriguing as it sounds lol. Have a lovely laid back time. Think of me on the picket line on Thursday.... Angela and I going around the art galleries in Liverpool at the weekend and next week the three of us are trying a new tapas bar in Oxton. Gave the organisation to Angela.... poor girl couldn't find the number and thought I had set her up!! Success in the end though. Keep up with the amazing photos!