Hello to all....
So we have had quite an exciting week or so, we got tickets to the Sydney V festival in March which we are looking forward too.
So the 27th November was Thanksgiving so we went for dinner with our roommate. We went to an Italian restaurant that our Belgian flat mate worked in, it was BYO so two bottles were taken with us and Seems had one to herself as it was too sweet for Jon and Sheens. The food was great and the conversation was flowing and the wine was amazing, Jon then tried to get us to try an Italian drink, coffee with Black Sambuca...we were like we don't really drink coffee so just had the Sambuca shots.
The following day Sheens had the day off whilst Seems was at work. She then met Aaron and Hannah and went for some drinks at the Irish bar Scruffy Murphy's. They started very early and by the time Seems met them they were a bit tippled. So she had a lot of catching up to do. We had arranged for them to come for dinner on the Saturday and Sheens was going to cook curry again!! So the curry was made and the guests enjoyed the food. The rest of the evening went by and Jon came back and we thought we would enjoy our last night at home with a few beers.
So the manager at Build A Bear quit, the pressure got to her and Seems has been getting more shifts which has been good as Sheens was told that SKILLED didn't need her anymore as there was no work in the DVD factory which kinda sucked so she had to bite the bullet and actually do some shifts in the factory (she got special treatment as she worked in the office). It was the worst work ever, it was repetitive, boring and long. So after a few shifts she stared to look for something else as the work at the SKILLED office was not guaranteed. So she signed up at another agency which deals with more office work and got a call the same day for a couple of days work. Hopefully it will just snowball and she will get some more work.
So Jon moved out on the 1st December and we had two Germans move in, Natasha and Tommy they are not a couple but just travelling together. It was nice to have more people in the house although we would miss Jon and his drunken stories!!
So on the 3rd December Sheens didn't hear her alarm go off so called in sick to work as it was too late for her to get to work, so luckily Seems had the day off so we decided to have a fun day out. We already had tickets to the Sky Tower so as the sun was out we went there, we went up the tower to the observation deck took lots of photos and then did the Sky Walk. This was where they put us in horrible (yet fetching) jumpsuits and attached us to some railings but then we got to walk outside, the bummer was we weren't allowed our camera!! Walking outside was an amazing experience but our tour guide up there was a bit over the top and had a very annoying voice (very reminiscent of Josephine from scrubs!!)
So on the 5th December we went to The Rocks (an area by the Harbour) as they had a Christmas Tree made from donated chairs. This was being lit that night and was really cool, they were raising money for a children's charity. It wasn't as busy as we expected as it wasn't really advertised, I think that if it was in London it would have been massive.
The next week went with work, Sheens was still working in the factory and Seems worked pretty much every day at Build A Bear.
The 13th December came and this announced the arrival of Shenel to Sydney. Sheens went to meet her at the airport and they had a pretty hectic weekend walking around the city and getting to know the place doing important things like getting her hair cut and a tad of shopping.
The 15th December was Seems Christmas party, Sheens and Shenel were invited as well so we all went to Bondi to meet all Seems work dudes as we didn't know where we were going, we ended up at Randwick Bowling Alley. It was a bit random, the people who worked there were getting really fed up as the lanes kept breaking, the balls kept getting stuck so the complaining was not really appreciated. It had been a while since any of us had bowled but Seems won the first game on her lane. They all had their secret santa present time which was fun as it was Seems first present. She got a very cool High School Musical PDA which can store her schedule, phone numbers, and homework diary? Haha. And it even has an inbuilt radio and compact mirror. Whoop. There was only a slight problem with it.. she couldn't figure out how to use it, even though it's made for six year olds!! But a few days later realised all she had to do was change a setting to get it to work. Doh.
It was then time for Sheens Christmas parties, she had a dilemma though, both the companies she had worked for had their parties on the same night so she decided to go to both. As she didn't know that many people at SKILLED she and Emer were going to go to that one first then move on to the Technicolor one as they were based on site they knew more people. It was on the 19th December so that day she luckily was off so had a relaxing day. She then had to put on heels for the first time in four months , she met Emer at the hotel where the SKILLED party was and they stayed for a few hours just enough time to eat some nibbles, say hello to the few people Sheens knew and drink a lot of Champagne!! Once the raffle ticket was called they thought it was time to move on, they walked the four blocks to the next one where the party was pumping, and there was a mini casino where you were given some money to gamble away. They pretty much stayed there until everyone left where Sheens feet were hurting so much she had to take her shoes off for a bit!!
All in all a good night was had and her feet were hurting the next day, that should teach her to take some flats with her!!
That weekend the weather took a turn for the good and the sun was shining. Sheens walked to The Rocks to see what the dealio was for Chrismas and New Years Eve, then came back to have a little lay in the park whilst the sun was still shining!!
The next week was Sheens last week of work she was only in on Monday and Tuesday and went for a Christmas lucnch with Emer on Tuesday which was lovely!!
The next day was then Christmas Eve, Seems had to work but finished at 5pm so we ordered a Pizza Hut which was yummy and then got ready and went out to a place called 'The Gaff' which was in walking distance to the house, it was full of people in fancy dress and the music was like being back at a uni union!! So we hit the dance floor and then it all went wrong. The place was over filled and there were so many people and the air conditioning was not working. We were all dancing by the stage and then before midnight Sheens had a whole pint of beer spilt over her, she was not impressed so had to steal a santa hat from someone so she didn't look ridiculous!! It was getting a bit much with all the people, a girl even fell off the stage and she looked injured!! So we thought time to move from there but even away from the dance floor it was rammed with people so we called it a night and came home (does this show our age??)
So we got up on Christmas morning and opened all our presents, I think we got enough chocolate and sweets to open a small shop. Shenel then cooked us a traditional Christmas dinner. And then we had the most relaxing day in our pyjamas watching lots of films. Though it wasn't quite the same as home, Aussie TV is pants. Then we had a bit of a mis-hap, we had done some washing and put Shenel's new jeans in with all of our stuff and dyed pretty much the whole of Sheens t-shirt collection a manky blue colour, unfortunately the only pair of Seems work trousers were in there so they were ruined!! It was a bit upsetting but then to make it all worse after dinner we had left the turkey to cool by the window and when we went back to it at the end of the night there were like a million ants eating our turkey, it was probably the best feast ants have ever had!! So we had to get rid of that. It was a shame as we then had to cook on boxing day!!
So boxing day was spent trying to find something to colour correct our clothes and then a browse around the sales, it must have been the first time we have both gone sale shopping and not bought anything!! The clothes didn't get fixed so we took them to a laundrette hopefully they will be able to sort them out!!
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