Ok so we here is the long awaited next instalment. This is what we've been up to since we arrived in Sydney.
Right so we arrived in Sydney at 6am (on September 24th), we got through immigration fine, it took no time at all but then we had to get our hand luggage scanned. They took our immigration cards and noticed that we had some cookies in our bag, they looked at our cards and asked why we hadn't declared them on the cards, we had no idea that we had too. This lady then told us that we had to declare them because they might have traces of nuts in them and apparently we have to declare any food items that we bring into the country, so then Seems told her that she had some M&M peanuts as well, the woman did not look amused or happy!! So eventually we were told we could leave, we made our way to the bus station and waited for one to leave for the city.
We got to the hostel at about 8am but we couldn't check in until midday, so we locked our luggage away, freshened up and then went for a quick walk around the area we were staying in. At about 10ish we started to feel really tired so made our way back to the hostel and snoozed in one if their TV rooms.So we finally checked in and had a longer snooze in a bed. When we finally surfaced our tummies were making some very funny noises because we hadn't eaten in forever but we were in luck because on Wednesday's the hostel puts on a make your own pizza session for a bargain of $5 with a free beer (/sprite)! The hostel puts loads of events on like movies, trips, bbqs, dinners etc so it's pretty cool. The movie on that night in the cinema section which has a masssssive big screen was Juno so we watched that and then called it a night. The cinema room became a regular occurrence, it was the best way for us to see films we hadn't seen before, and the best thing was of course the popcorn!!
The next few days were a bit boring in the sense that no sightseeing was done as we wanted to get ourselves sorted with jobs and a flat first, so we signed up to admin agencies and spent a lot of time on the internet looking for jobs and flats. We signed up for a mailing address each so that we could open our Australian bank accounts and get our phone numbers. During the weekend we took our CV's to loads of shops and cafes in the hope of someone getting back to us.
On Monday we had an appointment with an estate agent who showed us some places where we could stay. The first two were like student halls which we were pretty set on steering clear from so the following day we were taken to some more places. We were really looking for two rooms in one house rather than a room share thing where you got one room with two beds in it, which a lot of travellers here seem to do but I'm not sure we could share a room for like another eight months with Seems' mess! Well we were taken to a house in an area called Darlinghurst which is like ten minutes out of the city centre, which we looked at for about two minutes before deciding we wanted it because we weren't sure if we would find anywhere else where we could have a room each. So we went back to the office and signed up for it.
So on Wednesday (October 1st) we both had interviews at agencies for work, and then got a call to say that our applications had been approved so yay we had a house!! We also had good feedback from the agencies who signed us up and would get back to us when work was available. Sheens signed up at a childcare agency as well, all her experience with Jemma has come in useful (thanks Shaz and Jemma).
So Thursday we on the hunt for bedding, we obviously wanted to do things on the cheap so went looking everywhere and found the best deals at K-Mart who also had a deal if you spent over a certain amount of money you got a free beach towel, so those came in handy as well!!! (Bring on the cheapness.)
So some of you might think getting a house before a job is a bit silly but a lot of the people we have spoken to have said that in the next few weeks the prices will go sky high because of Christmas, so we thought we would do it that way. We have signed up for two months to begin with and if we like it we will stay there for our whole stay in Sydney.
So we moved in on Friday 3rd October, after waiting at the estate agents for what seemed like hours just to get our keys we finally made our way with all our luggage. We look a good look around and realised that the place needed a well good clean. So after doing our inventory we went on a mission to buy lots of cleaning products, this excited Seems just about as much as the free popcorn!! We met our house mate as well, Jon he is from America on an internship. So after hours and hours of cleaning and then showering to get the crap off us we finally went to bed. The most annoying thing was that the weekend was the worst we had so far weather wise, it poured with rain all weekend so we couldn't do much!! So relaxation was the key.
Monday 6th was a public holiday so we didn't do much again, we went for a walk into the city did the usual on the internet with job hunting, emails, facebook, finding out gossip on perezhilton (you know just the necessities...) and came back home in time to make dinner and watch neighbours to realise that the clocks had gone forward an hour, and we'd missed half of it! And that they changed a day and a half ago and we didn't even realise!! Well call us out the loop!! We had words with our flat mate who didn't tell us and he was like 'Oh yeh I just thought you'd know' pah! But to make it up to us he had some friends over for dinner who also cooked for us.
The next day we had planned a full on job hunt but Sheens got woken up by a phone call from the childcare agency offering her a job in a nursery, so off she went for her first day of work (with spoilt, bratty kids!) Seems spent the day sending out loads of CVs which paid off as she got some interviews!! So Sheens had the whole week at work in two different nurseries and Seems spent her time job hunting on the internet and watching gossip girl. Haha. It wasn't all just sitting doing nothing though, she had lined up a trial shift in a coffee shop just like Costa (yay?), which she then got offered the job which was cool. However its right near Chinatown and most of the people who work there are Asian and so are the customers and she has to ask them to repeat what they say like five times because she can't understand them. eeeeek.
So the week went quite quickly for us which was good. And on Friday 10th we decided to intoxicate our bodies with a few drinks. Jon our house mate has a friend in the US Navy, and they were docking their ship in the harbour, so they were in town for four days. So we went to a bar called the Orient who had a very cheesy band playing and partied all night with US Navy officers. All in all we had a fun night out and a good time was had by all!
Also to add to our weekend of fun we had a couple from Belgium move into the spare room, so now there are five of us living here which isn't too bad. And Seems' friend Kat from camp came to see her which was cool. We spent the rest of the weekend with Seems having her trial shift and then cleaning the house again!!
Monday came and Sheens went back to the nursery and lined up an interview for a more permanent job as an assistant, and Seems had an interview at Lush, her dream job.
Then that leads us to today, Seems went to Build A Bear (Best. Job. Ever.) and was offered a full time job, so now has to decide between that and the coffee shop and hopefully Lush if they call, the jobs are rolling in for her!!
So also to add to or news we now have the internet at home, they have a really good system here and you can get pay as you go internet, so we have split this between all our roomies and its worked out quite cheaply, so we can e-mail and skype whenever we are home. Whoop!!
Ok so a few of you might be wondering why we haven't really done any touristy things yet, but we wanted to get settled with a house and job first, and now that they are falling into place we will be slowly seeing the sights here which will make our blog a little bit more exciting.
Oh and we have FINALLY put up our photos, so you can all quit moaning and enjoy! J
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