At the moment I am walking back into town after a trip to a name unpronounceable forest, listening to a cover of breaking the law by fightstar. The gift shop is called redwood so I will just call it redwood forest. This morning I booked my coach to taupo where I'll be doing a bit of White water rafting and be using it as a base to do the tonogario crossing. And I also had some fish and chips for £4 bargain. But back to redwood. There are several routes to choose from of varying lengths and difficulties. I was going to do the 3.5 hour walk, the next one up taking 8 hours, but due to a later than usual start to the day I done the 2 hour trek. The only walk that goes through the right side of the forest. Bad choice the last 20 min of the walk was flooded meaning I had to walk 1 hour 30 back the way I came :( This is in addition to the 1 hour 30 return walk into town. My legs are feeling it.
And the walk to and from goes through some geo thermal pools. They reeked so bad a nearly threw up my f + c. And it got even worse. I could smell it even though I was only breathing through my mouth.
And last night I drank my first full pint of beer for ages, although I had to turn down a second as let's face it's the foulest drink in the world (but the only alcoholic drink I am able to afford).
I will miss the free pool/ table football at the hostel and the tv room where me and some random watched some awful movies but not the loudness and the fact i get woken up by the rotten egg smell in the mornings. Onto taupo.
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