Our last full day in Pai. Pai is without doubt up there with Kao Tao as one of my favourite places travelling so far. Our room stunk so bad we paid to move back into a bungalow knowing full well it wouldn't be great but the smell was that bad. They gave us discount which was cool, one girl behind the counter as per was out last night she looked power hungover we seen her out and she looked battered then she had cuts on her legs from dancing on the tables last night. So moved and as expected, ants everywhere. Not bothered anymore nothing could do about it all over our bags as well. So we all went around Pai, checked out the elephants which was cool but also not cool we didn't go to the elephants in Chiang Mai as we heard they are not treated very well and the same applied here. Poor elephants they literally live in the most smallest conditions they can't even turn round and that is not exaggerating. Got few pictures but no tours every tour we went too we weren't happy with how they were treating the elephants a couple of arguments with it all too. Moved on to a waterfall which was awesome! Jumping from the rocks can't wait to see the videos and pictures on Bas' go pro when he gets home it was good fun. Then went to get some food in a random village and stayed there for a bit as it was raining and then rode to Pai Canyon. Oh. My. Days! The views here are post card like a fair bit of walking but the views are mind blowing. Absolutely incredible! Got some great pictures that in the future I will never get bored of looking back through. Headed back for our last night together headed again to the markets which for us was sad as the food was that good. The banana and Nutella pancakes they do oh my, worldy! Me and Bas got a Thai massage ha and met the others at the bar around the corner after. The masseuses were cracking up when Bas led down just how far his legs were off the mat as he is a giant! Went to this bar to meet the others getting on the beer pong we saw the 2 Brits from yesterday on the mushrooms and the guy was saying just how bad he was! He said he locked himself in his room which is probably the worst thing you could do. The girl was completely different it was so funny she tried to bring her love for Dr Who into conversation, I just had to walk away ha! :) Finished drinks as they shut at 1 and headed to this club, actually it was a 'club' lame ass music it was comical! Even more comical was Timon getting with that Brit girl we were outside smoking thinking about her coming back to our hostel with us ha! So went back to the hostel me, Melf, Stef, Bas stayed up till late in the morning didn't get to sleep till gone half 5. Timon appeared randomly after ha! :) Last night in Pai and I am seriously gonna miss this place. But not the ants!
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