Sevilla to Ronda House 3-20 to 3-26
Our car broke down on the way to Ronda! We were driving the car to Ronda, when suddenly the front end of the car popped up slightly. We drove over to the side of the road and turned on the car hazard light. Just as we parked, a woman walked over to my dad and asked him to help them get their car out of the mud. My dad agreed and he and the woman walked over to a small blue car stuck in a swampy area. The woman got in the car and dad and some other people got behind it. The woman put the petal to the metal, while dad and the other people pushed from behind. They got it going but couldn't get it out and finally they let my dad go. As he walked up we realized his shoes were covered in mud! But we had to get going so he got in the car. He turned on the car and left the hazard light on as we started to drive slowly away. We looked at the dashboard and saw that it said in Spanish (what we assumed to be) engine pressure lowered. We drove up to the train station and met the house property managers. They guided us to our house. We were lucky to get to the house with a damaged engine. The next day Avis brought us a new car.
We're staying in a house named "Finca la Cabra" (which means farm of goats or farm of nuts… were not certain). At the house they have old horse stables and a horse track that we use to play "Futball" (soccer) and football.
While we were in Ronda we went on the white villages tour. It is called this because all the towns we visited were almost entirely white. We went to five, but the best two were Acipino and Setenil. Acipino was a Roman village ruin dating back to 800 B.C. In Acipino we saw the remains of a town and a Roman Theatre. We climbed all over the ruined rocks and stone seats at the Theatre. At Setenil, the town was built into the side of a mountain! It looked like the mountain was going to fall on the houses!
While we were here, we saw more Easter processions (see Sevilla) and went to Easter mass In Ronda. On Easter Sunday, the Easter Bunny deliveredchocolate sculptures!
We're in Ronda for another week and a half. I'll have more to write later! Happy Easter!
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