Bom dia! Hope all are well. From Sao Luis we have made our way down to Natal, stopping for a few days at the remote fishing village Jericoacoara (Jeri). Quite a journey from Sao Luis to Jeri which involed a 10 hour bus ride, a one night stop over in Parnaiba (the cheapest town so far!) and a 2 hour 4 wheel drive journey from Parnaiba to Jeri along the beach, over dunes, estuary and small lake crossings (which involved driving the jeep on to a boat or raft which was either motored, poled or pushed to the other side!). All good fun! Jeri is a beautiful little village set amongst jungle greenery, huge white sand dunes and a broad grey beach. Although remote and hard to get to, it is very well set up for the tourist with many Pousadas (guest houses) and hotels. Its off season at the moment however so it was very quiet, which was a blessing. It was very tempting to stay longer as its such a relaxing place, but we instead moved on and enjoyed the comfort of an overnight bus (7 hours) to Fortaleza and then a second bus (8 hours) to Natal. We arrived in Natal in the early evening and found the Pousada we wanted to stay at owned by the incredibly friendly Tia (aunt) Helena! Helena met us with a hug and a kiss as if we were long lost friends! Will soon move on to Praia da Pipa (2 hours south). Having a great time! Love Shane and Sarah x
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