OZ Trip Planner
G'Day mates,
Well, this is now the last couple of days in Melbourne for me.
It's been quite a busy week thus far and today looks even busier. I've said my goodbyes to my German & Aussie friends, they are off to new places now. I actually met an American in my dorm...not too many of us here. Everytime I tell someone where I'm from, the discussion goes to politics. Quite annoying sometimes. So, my American mate and I are heading off to Phillips Island, home of the Penguin Parade. He's a very interesting character. He bought an old campervan (very hippie, I got some cool pics). We got a lot of attention driving through the city, luckily no cops, because the van is not really in road condition. If ya know what I mean :)
Phillip Island is very beautiful. I saw a couple of Kangaroos and of course the fairy Penguins. Interesting creatures. I've got good pics.
On the way back to Melbourne, we get yelled at my little children, calling us hippies. Very FUNNY! You should see the van. It's what great road trips are made of.
Okay, we get back to the city safe (very surprising) and get ready for a night out.
Turned out to be a good night...met some good looking girls (no worries Shy), Swedish & British. Got home at 5:00 am. Shocker! Be proud, I'm usually tired by 1. Only a couple of hours sleeping though, we had to check out by 11:00, which means getting up at 9ish to shower and make breakfast and pack. My American friend is off with his van and two very cute girls, who we met yesterday for coffee. German & Belgian. They are doing the Ocean Rd and I'm flying off to Tasmania.
Hopefully, Qantas doesn't lose my luggage this time.
Ahh, life here is an adventure every day! I think that I'm starting to understand the backpacker way of life. Although, I'm not ready to for the long trips most of my mates are on. Many for 1-2 years on the road. Especially those Britons.
Well, take care everyone. Melbourne was great! I'll write again from Tassie.
- Shaikh
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