So yesterday our flight was cancelled. but luckily managed to get a later flight for that day. Turned out quite well because we managed to blag some food vouchers (YEY free food!) and they provided us with a hotel- a fairly fancy one at that- so we managed to have a kip to make up for the fact that we had to wake up at 3 AM.
Today went to a chatunak market-the market the lonely planet guide book describes as the "mother of all markets". Bought many gifts :)
Leaving for UK tomorrow! very exited to see the boyfs and all our fam but at the same time sad that our trio will be finally separated!
Had such an amazing time travelling with em and sonia! Going to miss:
Ferg waking me up at night from jumping at sonia's sneakiness
Sleeping with Sonia salisbury
DOF in south east asia
Bartering!! (now that we are so good at it :) )
Madly walking across crazy road's infront of cars/bikes/tuk tuks
The sun!
The heat!
Son's squeaking as she is falling in to pick up trucks
Ferg tripping over absolutely everything!
And people calling to us "lady.. tuk tuk", "cheap cheap.. for you special price" and "same same but different".
Absolutely IMMENSE time!
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