Arrived in phnom penh yesterday. pretty nackering day- the coach trip lasted an extra 2 hours than it was supposed 2 due to the stupid SLOW army trucks hogging the road. Went to the russian market... was a BEAUT! managed 2 buy lotsa of gifts :) at "cheap cheap special prices".
Rang the embassy this morning... stil no sign of the new passport frustrating times! Been very wet all day so the ponchos got sum good usage :) went to the royal palace and silver pagoda. Massive blag getting in... the rules state that knees and shoulders must be covered to enter (fair enough) so me and son brought scarves to cover our shoulders. scarves however, along with ponchos, "apparently" are not counted and I had to BUY a t-shirt. Wouldn't have been too bad if they actually had some decent t-shirts but they lost the key to their stock(Do not know how that happened!) so i ended up spending $2 on a PLAIN T-SHIRT! On the postive side.. at least the palace was very beautiful.
Staying at a REALLLY nice homely hostel tonight. managed to blag the ultimate deal- $5 for all three of us :D yey... but we do all have to share a bed... and don't have a bathroom. Some serious slumming :D
- comments
Charlie Park Sounds like you guys are having a fun trip, this is well cool this blogging site!!!!! Stay safe and make the most of it xxx
Miranda Mason im sooo jealous... i bet you and fergs are waaaay too brown? what happened with the passport? well i know you think thailand is all that but ZANZIBAR.... woop woop... see you at graduation! lots and lots and lots of love to you all xxxxxxxxx