You really are there and not hiding back in Qld, haha. From the small pic we see on here, Rob looks totally bald.. I had to click on photo outside Dolby Theatre, to view larger to see if he had any hair .lol
I love to see the photo's enjoy
Hello!!! Where you at? Waiting for another blog... Or is it too cold for adventure lol are you still in one piece parents xxx
Bernadette You really are there and not hiding back in Qld, haha. From the small pic we see on here, Rob looks totally bald.. I had to click on photo outside Dolby Theatre, to view larger to see if he had any hair .lol
Debbie I love to see the photo's enjoy
Regan Hello!!! Where you at? Waiting for another blog... Or is it too cold for adventure lol are you still in one piece parents xxx