Good news today. I now know how much last months mobile bill is thanks to the postman delivering said bill. Unfortunately he didn't have a water pump for me. b*****!!!!!! I'm not leaving for Morocco tomorrow now and will have to hope it arrives on Monday. That said, Darren popped over and helped strip the bike down so it's ready for the new parts. He helped by preventing me from filling the bike with explosives and sending it to BMW HQ. Who in their right mind designed that oil pipe to go across the clutch cover so you have to strip the complete bike down to it's component parts just to take a cover off!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Anyway, it's off now and ready to be reassembled soon. I really really hope it's soon anyway. Good news though, after his uneventful ride down from London our very own "James May" arrived in the rotund but smiling shape of Sparky. I say uneventful but what I meant was eventful. Too much oil in the engine resulted in a clogged air filter, well lubricated rear brake and a few oily puddles on the Eurotunnel and other parts of France. He also had a few comedy moments on the way down courtesy of the immense weight of his bike resulting in one lying the bike on the floor at a service station session. Lifting it up was a two person job so after a while a kindly soul who used to be an international weightlifting champion gave him a hand. I can only imagine it'll be much easier in Morocco as the hot sand will encourage us all to not do the laying the bike down thing, or crashing as I think it may also be referred to. Fun times ahead. We'll keep you posted as to when and if we ever get on our way. Come back soon for more exciting tales of our adventures as we struggle to get further than the end of the street.
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