So, the past few weeks have flown by! I made a new friend, a very nice lass called Talya Cohen from South Africa. She actually lives in the same apartment block as Paul and I, except she is in the B Block and were in the A Block, but she is in exactly the same apartment number as us which is nice and easy to remember!! She's here with her partner, Warren, but they're only here for a short time as her partner got a different job.
So I stopped going to the Corona meetings on a Tuesday morning as I was finding it difficult to get back in time to have the apartment tidy for the cleaner, Mary, to come in the afternoons. But I will still go to they're monthly meetings as they sometimes have really interesting speakers, and it's still good to get out to see some familiar faces.
Anyway, so the past few weeks I have been spending some time with Talya, showing her places like Wonder Workshop and Mama Masai, and a couple Mondays ago we went to visit a mutual friend, Margrete, Si we had a swimming her pool and then she invited us back up to her apartment for fruit salad and a drink. Then the next day Margrete took Talya and I to the yacht club for a drink and a swim in the ocean. That was nice.
I haven't been to the orphanage for a few weeks now for various reasons but we have still been going to Buguruni deaf school, I like it there. There is one kid, about 13 years old but very small for his age, called Kelvin who I have made friends with. And Paul wanted to sponsor one of them so I have chosen Kelvin. So I have bought him a load of stuff which he needed (well technically Paul has bought it, thanks Paul) like school shoes, flip flops, football trainers, casual shorts, school shorts and t-shirts. I can't wait to give it all to him, hope it all fits him!!
Paul and I finally got our boat paid for, only a 50% share mind, but it's still cool! We took it out Saturday just past and Paul and Jim did fishing out the back of the boat while I drove :-) think I went about 3 miles per hour hehe!! No fish caught unfortunately, caught the sun though... But it was a nice day! We stopped off at Mbudya Island also for a swim and a drink on our way home. I think Paul thought the boat was a plane as he kept trying to get us airborne :-/
We're also now temporary members of the yacht club, but because we now co-own a boat we should hopefully get fully membership when they do the ballot in December... Fingers crossed!! It was expensive to get in, but It means we'll have access to a safe beach and nice cheap food and drink. It'll be a nice place for us to take our guests.
Well, right now I am sitting on a plane waiting to go back to the UK. I haven't told any of my family or friend's back in the UK, I am just going to hire a car at the airport when I arrive in Aberdeen tomorrow morning and rock up and surprise them all... I just hope that it works and I don't get caught out somehow. I'm really sad at the same time though as Paul wasn't able to come back with me :-( as he had to go to stupid South Sudan for business meetings etc.
I have packed my suitcase with a few gifts for Xmas, I didn't buy for everyone as that's be a waste to just but stuff for the sake of it. But there have been the odd thing here or there that I have seen in my 3 months in Dar so far that I thought would be nice for certain people. And I have a huge list of things I need to buy/do while in the UK so I can see me buying a new suitcase and taking two cases back with me next week full of supplies!!
Well the plane is about to get going and it's just before midnight now for me so I am pretty tired... Excuse me while I catch a few Z's
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