SaraaaaYou forgot to mention the incident on the flight to Sao Paulo when the pilot who was probably drunk woke up just as we were landing and slammed his foot down on the brakessssssssss.Just as luck would have it Saraaaaas bag was open and her mobile amongst other items flew out and slid down the aeroplane floor flew out of sight.By now Saraaaa well accustomed to the beautiful south american people and their kind hearted ways accused each and everyone of them of being a 'tief' this is despite the fact that many of the business travellers on our flight had blackberrys and perhaps would be interested in a phone that was probably smashed to pieces. I did suggest that Saraaaaaa calm down a bit and that once the people had cleared off the plane we could have a proper search… and we did. As the project manager I oversaw the critical activity of Saraaaaaaa getting on the hands and knees and crawling the under the seats. I kept an eye on our bags. We were just about to give up and I assured Saraaaa that the cleaners would hand it in when she screamed… Got it …
CREEPY......lipstick lessers
oh yes mel but my favourite tale is the creepy hostel owner Sofia, middle aged and wanting to mount everything in sight, she cleverly opens a huge monstrous hostel in Ipanema. We attempted to leave after the first nite, she said you cant leave your too beautiful!! So she gave us a gorgeous room, and then accused us of being lovers, much to her dismay I told her that we are just good friends, thats just good friends in the English sense not in the brasilian sense ok. I was surprised as myself and Sofia had been gossiping about men the day before we thinks the accusation could be due to my pretty boy passport foto. As we went to leave for Sao Paulo she said I have a beautiful lipstick for beautiful Melissa, we assumed she was giving away a brand new lipstick, & she returned with an ancient wartorn lipstick only fit for the bin. She insisted much to my delight that Mel sport this hideous lipstick, we both watched Mel reluctantly putting on this lippy in the mirror, as I smurked and Sofia dribbled in between saying she is so beautifullllllll look at her lips.
So Mel how are those lips any grotesque coldsores after that traumatic experience, or did you just put them into quarantine
BTW SOFIA still has a copy of your passport foto which she keeps close to her heart
s xxxxxxx
Hello my lovelys!
Sound like a blast. . . I want to be there! My time will come one day (I hope!!).
I don't care how much of a good time your having you best be recycling. . . Just make sure you bring back some good pics. T x
i have some pics babe, but not from the last 3 weeks because my camera broke. and obviously have missed some great photo opportunites - isla grande, sao paulo, nites out in rio and now i am in porto seguro and its gorgeous
recycling - tan they are on it dont worry - mainly alluminium tho im afraid, how was africa?
s xxxxxxx
Sarah, just been updating myself on your travels - good writer (and this is from your old aunt) makes very entertaining reading. All well in sunny paris. Take care and enjoy
Loved the entire trip and love Brasil immensely. Its dawning on me that this is all coming to an end very soon, I cringe at the thought of touching down on British soil once again, what a comedown thats going to be. I have no regrets tho tont this has been the most unbelievable experience ever, the trip that I had day dreamed about for so long and finally I have done it.
s xxxxxxx
And shure how the divil are ye? Just checking in to say how'ya and all that - sounds like you're having a blast, lucky cow! it's mierable here and I'm still at work... as usual! Take care lovely, A xxx
hi anna
having a blast, and cant believe how quickly its all going. Its really nice having the girls here
s xxxx
Yes chicas What is the latest?
hi mel
bring some kind of walking shoes or good trainers. I dont have boots but I have really sturdy trainers for walking in.
Brasil can b very pricey
see you friday
s xxxxx
Hey Sarah By now the girls should all be there with you so you are probably having an even better time. Hello girls! Wish I was there too but can't just take off and do those things these days. I am glad you are doing this now and making the most of it. Well you not missing out on anything here really. Weather is s***- and when I saw John at Janelle's mum's, he had already lost most of his tan. Your mum was on good form- wearing leopard print tights grrrrrr. Hello Noleen if you are reading this :o) Had my first week at work- nothing to report back really, I survived just about. Started getting ill by wednesday and had full blown cold by Friday. Tanya's back in UK now. Not seen her yet. What can I say? Just enjoy yourselves and keep safe- I am thinking of you all and want to hear all about it soon. Big kisses Zoe xxx
hi babe
good to hear from you, glad your keeping well, tried to phone you a couple of weeks ago.
Love 2 charlie, neil and tanya
HANDS ON ..............................................
Hi baby Well you are certainly having the greatest crack what shall we do when you get back to keep up that momentum? Miss u like crazy could not get John to send messages last night he is weird I guess he cant handle it. We are both so jealous of oyur adventures but still manage to have a few here i.e. police cars and incest. John does at least just know how to play along he is so like Stewart. I love you lots and I bet you are making the best of all situations. Go For It>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.......................... Lee is staying with her father he had serious stroke and now has pneumonia I will talk to her when she gets back but honey she has lots of worries. they did not make Amsterdam. KISssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Hands off....
Ilha Grande is a must for a few days.
About Ilha Grande,the brasileiros have warned me its got this weird special energy that makes it the most sexual place on earth. I mean do you really think we should go together, I may just start holding your hand, gazing into your beautiful brown eyes, next minute we could be taking our friendship to a whole new dimension.......
I have a phrasebook
Britney has shaved her hair off. She is on the edge man...just went to into a salon and told them to do it. The hairdresser refused and she picked up the shears and did it herself. Imagine that £120m in the bank and can't be happy. Hey ho for uploading fotos or
mel money doesnt make people happy, some of the most miserable f***ers Ive met are stinking rich