Go with Rodrigo...surely its better to be accompanied by homegrown stock!! Anyway, the German might get a bit happy and wanna cling on...
this is hilarious, what have you lot got against germans???
s xx
Go with the German bird but watch your back, front, side etc etc. Yu understand...
you are so right i dont know where I'm at....is she going to come from the front, the back, the side, it really is too much of a worry, I doubt my travel insurance covers being molested by a german girl, so as carla b says its all about the lazy eye
Carla B
Too all the falsehoods out there!!! Who hijacked my message man?? I was on a role! Can´t even go into my hard-drive for that one! Cha!... Thers only 1 P.T. seen! Theres only 1 Carla B seen.. Be gnaw wit you heatherns... whats gwaning sis.. just had to do that public announment.. Can´t believe my message got hijacked!! That message was just purely to give YOU joke! So what from now on i have to do action "ctrl c" when i done finish my messages... bloody hell! How you doing sis.. all good i hope. Just catch up on some gossip from a friend who still works at my old j.o.b (aka icelands 1 & only sweat shop) from the time i left another 4 people have done a "Bros".. "I quit yeah". I left that job over a month ago & them ah bring my name inna arguements..Where is the love man? They cussed out my friend saying that all shes good for is cleaning the bar & making coffee.. the gal who said this "Big, broad & HEAVY!" Drinks at least 2L of cola per day & stuff herself with junk food. Plus is the daughters boss... While my friend is half icelandic & half indian.. say no more P.T... I just told her find a new j.o.b and stop make people who are narrow-minded b******s hold you down.. it´s f***in 2007 now.. My friend whos bringing the dj to play 2moro night, the night has cost him a total of 2million kr. Which is about 200.000 queens heads mate... I told him you could of gone London chat to some dj´s booked them, gone Stringfellows & G it up like 50, brought your lady a fur coat & STILL have some change left over... My man went though the agency... When will they learn over here...? At the moment G is fixing some spotlights we brought yesterday & let me tell you it is not as easy as you think. Hopefully when it´s done they will look the boom! (Don´t know why i told you that bit of crappy info.. i´m pissed right now, Still drinking, never know when to stop). Going riding on my four legged friend on saturday. It´s a great way to cure a hang-over trust me.. it´s been a long time still.. I still get joke when other riders look at me & think "Wow! it´s black girl on a horse!" They are not used to it babe.. serious.. Hope you get this message babe. I hope this message finds you well & living it up... Miss ya. Love Cxxxxxxxxx
babe - I cant dance to the music thats playing.......................
HOW DARE THEY your not the first black person to ride a horse, dont they know about Oliver wha'him name, da dreadlock horse rider for gran bretagne. Keep practising, hopefully you could be representing the GREAT GB in the next olympics, dont try to represent Iceland or we will confiscate that red passport. I wanted to go horse riding in Uruguay, Jon wouldnt join me saying I could do a Christopher Reeves on my own, once he said that I was not going on no poney chicken.
I am so furkin knackered all the time, Im used to the heat, but I think the Oirish Rover tour has completely taken its toll. I have finally found a place that I can sleep, so prolonging my stay in BA. I have got FA sorted out for carnival next week, and just the thought of it makes me feel tired....me na ready, for the journey up there and the carnage that will surely follow.
Me Ol ' shakespearean - remind to tell you the tale of the shakespear play - it is hilarious.
Went to this tango lesson that just seemed like a big party to me last nite, they put me with this american guy that was writing the steps down as we were dancing with a pen and paper. I was like can you just lose the f'in pen and paper on the dance floor geeza, aint you seen Dirty Dancing - feeeel the music. The two of us were simply b******s, I was like give me some minimal, or some tribal I will blow you lot away seriously mate seriously....
s xxxxxxx aka P.T
Still no broadband but I will get on the case. Where has Carla Bs crazy message gone about the wild horses. Put it back!!!
Where did that nutters message go, I need some laughter!!!!!!!! I didnt get to read the bloody thing, the argentinians have stolen it...cha. Paula Tucker rewrite it man, rewrite it.............special request
sarah xxxxxxx
Do we know where we are staying in Rio?
Carla B!
Do we know where we are staying in Rio?\r\n I dont even know where I am staying next wk in Rio People have said avoid Copacabana, get on it man, its difficult for me to get to a computer
Boy yo do look good John showed me the photos looking good and he looks fab you shure looked after him shame about the row both a bit b******y eh. Love the gift and you , keep your pecker up andprotect your skin baby or i will be dealing with you. Love you mega XXXX
the row was hilarious, tell Jon to tell you about when we had to share a kayak, it was f'in murder
miss you - the little cheeky one
s xxxx
ps a guy said to me that he could tell we had a really nice mum
Hi love, here I am first time on your jurnal and loving it! Ah ...........the adventures of a carefree spirit not bound by man or master! My master is lying next to me with my tit in his mouth ;) and my man is taking Simone home. We all miss you xxx
hi petra
glad your good, went to my first tango show last nite, it was amazing, starting to fall for Buenos Aires.
We went to a gay club on Jons last nite, and the boys were telling him that I look like Princess Diana much to his annoyance, he was saying dont tell her that please. I was like Jon if they want to compare me to royalty, I really dont have a problem with that whatsoever, don't be so obstructive.
Miss you too..... Big Love to Andy and big kiss to the little man
s xxxxxxx
Don't get sentimental now, it will only be a few weeks before you see Janelle and the rest of the NW massive.
Ricardo Villalobos was decent on Saturday night, Janelle was a no show (what happened chica?). There were loads of afterparties but I decided to throw the towel in at 10am. I've got some new skanks to show you. Tell you what though... the new craze here seems to be for guys wearing nasty big specacles like what my granny used to wear its reminiscent of the styling in City of God... remember Bene?
Anyway I really should do some work. Later
Hey y lady! Just found your message board good to hear what everyones up to (Hi ies - Mel, Carla, Janelle, Anna...) Looks like Neil and I are moving just as I was getting cosy. Put an offer in on a house down the road and have found a buyer for our flat already. Solicitor is sorting all paper work out and if everything goes smoothly could take 4-6 weeks. Stopped working at nursery on Friday and think that they have given me the lurgy for my week off (Carla, I can empathise with you, it's tougher than you think innit?) Start my new job on Monday- looking forward to it, the staff seem really laid back and they're not up their arses. Anyway sounds like you are having such a good time out there, everytime I check your journal you have moved on to another place...have you had time to chill out yet or are you saving that for the end? Where are the pics in your photo album? I want to see some of these gorgeous men that you've met ;o) Say hello to John-boy for me, tell him to link up when he gets back. By the way I have kept the 'Vans' for Charlie because when I measured his feet he is a size 9 1/2 so the size 10 is right. My boy has big feet! Keep up the journal entries, loved the one when you landed in Buenos Aires. Love you lots, Zoe
hi zo
glad to hear things are moving forward with the house. I didnt think it was worth swapping the vans for Charlie. In Buenos Aires again and it was 38degrees yesterday...really unbearable, even for those that live here. Everyones on holiday so the night life aint really saying much, Jons leaving today and I feel really sad, I wish that he could do the whole trip with me. Missing everyone big time today s xxxxx
Yo babe, Sounds like you and Jon are living it up!!! Can't believe that he will be back on Monday (overnight flight from Sun, innit??) - time is just flying! Not much to tell that's different from emails I've sent you, but I thought I'd leave my mark on your blog... Zoe and Neil are buying a house and she starts her teaching job on Monday... I'm just busy trying to organise my mum's surprise b'day party and also gonna start decorating my flat very soon. Did you hook up with them girls that Victor put you in touch with? Gonna pop up and see Wahey again soon before I come out there...she was cool the last time I saw her. Anyway take care chica and keep put the F in Fun!!! Love ya 2 da bone!! J xx
babe its not even 3 weeks before you guys get here, was talking to a girl from Sao Paulo, and she was like siete guapas desde Londres en Brasil!!!
She was saying be careful, they are going to eat you alive, she said we better hire a bodyguard
sarah xxx
Yes girl I emailed you what Belinda said didn't I? Its deep man. Flight to Barca cost £50 one way on British Airways then fly to Ibiza for a few days 35 euros then back to London for 30 euros. I don't know why I'm doing it to myself, well actually its not for me it for Mohson really (Lydias bf). I'll found out about sum parties for ya. Ciao
you are doing it to yourself because you are such a sadist girlie, tell rhianna didnt have time to call her back, shes got a sexy telephone voice tho