Sounds like a BIG tings inna Rio sis! Wish i was there with you girl! I could do with some living on the edge kinda life right now.. Is the girl that is giving you free-ness on a "silver platter" pretty? Bwoy... i know it must be temping still but you know what sis every ting happens for a reason seen! It´s true you could make monies by teaching english and event organzing some BIG jammers!!! Listen to the locals girl! They done know what them ah chat bout. Maybe she ah look for someone to keep in check... Oi Oi!!! I knew Rio would not be able to get enough of you... Karma Police sistren, Karma Police!!! BOOOOO!!!!! About B.S. new hair cut, the drugs have definitely gone to head mate... my girl needs to stop the jammin and CHILL!!! Look after your pickney! Cxxxxxx
you lot are jokers, i havent seen britneys new hair at the moment, its carnaval week and britneys barnet is hardly making headline news here, i am so intrigued though. Has she got braids....
more trivia please, i think i saw jade goody sweeping the streets of rio this morn after the procession had stopped she looked woeful, apparently shes also been selling her perfume at 10R a pop
s xxxxxxxx
What do you think of Britneys new haircut?
is there a website bar myspace cos thats long, where i can just upload pics and it doesnt take forever
Haayy Janelle is the wrong business, she threw a big bashment for her mum on Saturday and it was a raging success!! I hear the women in Rio are beautiful but the men are not! Confirm or Deny?
Fairplay 2 janelle!!! The men are ugly in Riioooooooooo, i beg to differ. Im walking around stepping all over my tongue, and my friend is like LOOK at that costume, its amazing, what blooody costume, who cares!!! Brasil has both beautiful and unattractive, the beauties are simply stunners, It has so much personailty, shame its so dangerous. Your going to have 2 come out here and drag me back girlie, cant wait 2 c u, you would have enjoyed carnaval so much, thought of you this morning when i was coming home and saw a silhouette of ANOTHER procession in the distance, I was thinking dont these people ever STop or tire, I imagined you saying stop cocking up your foot and whining up yourself and find your yard!!!!!
ps a girl said 2 me yesterday you can live with me, and you dont have 2 work or buy food or anything. Great when can i move in, i can pack my stuff in under 2 minutes. Find out what GIMP is in portuguese, buy a phrasebook somebody
I don't blame you for one second spending the dollars on a flight to Rio instead of another 18 hideous hrs on one of those bloody Carma buses - you have my full backing there. Anyway - enough about you - it's clearly ALL about me - I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tar tar ITS ALWAYS ABOUT UUUUUUUU, this is MY travel journal, trust u 2 steal my thunder ok so
hows the craic with u then, congrats, fairplay and a slap in the back!!! YOuve convinced some fella 2 marry u you nutter!!! No seriously girlie, im happy 4 u. Well catch up on my return, keep in touch
s xxxxxxxx
Carla B
P.S. If you go onto and look up in there a-z of program listings, go to "Fortune" E.6 you can have a look at what courtney is talking about...
Carla B
Babe, how you doing.. Good news.. just spoke to my bro and he told me to tell you that he went on some itv program called Fortune and its about you telling 5 business minded famous people your idea and if at least 3 of them likes the idea they will fund it... well my bro now has funding for his company and told me to tell you that he wants you on the team as you have brains and he can now pay you!! Plus he said that your great in this industry and that he loves the fact that you two get on so well... He wants to know when your back and if you want a job you both can catch up when you come back home... He said that Jeffery Archer, head of Anne Summers company (the woman), some dude that owes loadsa gym and the head of the MOBO awards were were the judges... I´m sooooo proud of my bro babe... big tings now for him. Cxxxxx
i will def be looking 4 work, and i love courtney, i hope we can work something out, tell him ~im brockkkkkk, tings is kindsa ruff
s xxxxxxx
Sizzling Sorcha,
Hope your 'fever' has settled down and you're ready to wine up those sexy hips to true Brazilian up girlie!!!
J xx
Don't worry Steph,
Rodrigo is comfortably attached!!
I would be more worried about a single German female who has a fetish for bus timetables - her gender is ceratinly no guarantee!!! It's these types that you have to be wary of!!!
Hope you're enjoying Espana...
J x
Robbie Williams is in rehab in Arizona. Addicted to anti depressants and prescription drugs. Miserable sod all that money and he can't manage to happy. Cha!
exactly money means jack s*** when you are king of middle of the road crap pop music and hiding your sexuality, all this playing with a million girls in every video, ok robbie we believe you like women OK
s xx
Hi Sarah! I'm loving your journal. the message boards even funnier. Hope you and your girls get to Rio .
hi andy,
I have met some real off the wall obscure characters, ones that you really would have enjoyed
take care love 2 all
s xxxxxxxxx
Carla B
Wha gwan sis.. I think you should go with lazy eye.. the german WILL be a cling-on & you won´t be able to get rid of her once the girlies land. At least with the geezer he´s a local & he has other plans for himself, plus travelling up north on a boat sounds beauitful babe. What a way to travel sis. It´s all good here.. my legs are still killing me from horse riding on the weekend. Only rode for an hour... my horse always loves to be at the front if i´m riding with other people. He starts picking up speed and i have to use all my strengh to force him to slow down, but when i want to go fast he wants to take it slow... love him still. The jam on Friday night was not something to write home about. I was very disapointed in the music still. My man just played the same beats for the whole duration babe.. no vocals to sing alone to, none of his own big selling tracks, just the same f***in kick drum for 4hrs... my man could of drop some awesome tracks.. Can´t believe he got paid nearly 2 grand for that rubbish set. It was "Ram, Soca, Jam" inside the place. Everyone was on little fellas so no fighting... just nuff drink & a alright atmosphere still. I was totally wasted.. Repping for the crew with some wicked moves.. In the name of you babe. Sigrun is in rehab babe. Checked herself in last week. I think she is there for a month... In the winter time because they get so depressed, the icelanders lover go rehab... I don´t want it, I don´t need it! All i know is babe that this trip has gone by sooo quick. You have seen & done so much since you land sistren... BIG UP!!!! I am so proud of you sis... Love you to the bone!!! The girlies soon touch down & I hope brazil is ready for you guys... it´s gonna be toooo much joke. Love you babe.. "Keep smiling, Keep shining. Knowing you can always count on me for sure, thats what friends are for".... Cxxxxxx
can you stop writing about horses in depth, you know how excited I get, I AM in public places when I read this emails. All this chat about using all your strength to slow him down, I´m feeling quite delirious, and jealous with rage because I dont have my own horsie to ride.
The last week in BA was hilarious, guess what got complaints about my laughter.....
Went to see a football game, oh yeh having sex in public is normal here if you dont do it you just look like a tourist.
Remind me to tell you about room 3 (molestation), George Clooney ' Jorge Clooney', the birds....and the stripper, I have to write it now because I will forget.
The German girl is history, she started talking bus time tables and I got really the love affair is over before it even began
cant upload fotos this website is s***eeeeeee
s xxxxxx
Hey Janelle.... think I'll go along with Mel on this one ! ...