Manapouri, New Zealand Feb 12, 2013 This area nears the highest rainfall of anywhere in the world. There are permanent waterfalls, ones that last a few days after rain then the whole hillside in torrential lay storms !!!
Manapouri, New Zealand Feb 12, 2013 There are many offshoots of the main Sound. All steep sided with high mountains all around.
Manapouri, New Zealand Feb 12, 2013 This is an area of no new buildings. This is here because of a loop hole. It was built below the high water mark. It has been prosperous for fishing and a helicopter takes the produce away.
Manapouri, New Zealand Feb 12, 2013 We came across a shoal of bottle neck dolphins. This was my best attempt at a photo and the is reflection from the glass. 2 out of 10 for this.