Life in Oz!
So I didn't get very good sleep last night. I didn't get a pillow for some reason but that was fine because I had my travel one. The bad thing was all I had was a sheet and it gets really cold here at night! I had my fleece pants on and used my towel as an extra blanket but it wasn't nearly enough. I had a long sleeve shirt and jumper on but it still wasn't enough. I set my alarm for 6am but I was too frozen to even think of getting out of bed. I checked the temperature at it was know, almost close to freezing! I stayed in bed till 8 when I forced myself to get up. I got ready and dropped my stuff off at Melankas before heading to the information centre. I heard Desert Park was really interesting so I got a shuttle out there. It is basically an informative walk through the desert explaining the different parts of the desert and all of the life that exists in it. I wanted to spend heaps more time here but wanted to do some other things and was forced to move on. When I got back to town I stopped at the info centre again and I got directions to the bus stop so I could go to the School of Air. I had a few minutes so I popped into Woolworth's and got an apple and water for lunch. Just before the bus came I decided against the school because the bus back to town was only at 5:45 and I wanted to do a bit of shopping yet but everything closes by 5 or 6. I stopped at Brumby's Backery which is across from Woolworths in the mall area and got a pie. It was very interesting to observe the locals. After enjoying the pie I headed for the Royal Doctors Air Service and got a tour and looked in the museum. It services most of Australia and helps with anything from phone calls for preventive medicine to makeshift clinics for check-ups once a month to emergency services. It is mostly funded my donations and a little bit from the government so it is really amazing to hear about how it all works. I wanted to stop at an aboriginal centre to check out the artwork and look around but it was closed already so I wondered around the Todd Mall (named after the Todd River) for awhile looking around. I stopped at the Red Dog Cafe for dinner and got the kangaroo salad since it was hard to tase the meat in the pie I had for dinner last night. The salad was awesome. The meat tasted pretty much like beef. It was getting dark already so I decided to head back to the hostel to pack for tomorrow's adventures. My bed didn't have a duna again so I decided to be smart and go ask for one right away. I then went to the internet cafe next door to check my mail and update my site. Tomorrow at 6am I have to be next door to the hostel to check in for the first part of my tour. I will be touring for 9 days but it is split up into 3 3day trips. The first part is Uluru, the Olgas and a few other things and then I will be back in Alice Springs for a night to start the next journey!
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