When we arrived at Chiang Khong, we were just dumped off the bus at our overnight accommodation! We met a load of other travellers here and had a really good night drinking and chatting! We met Dan and Betty, the Yorkshire couple, Neesha and Leanne, the Essex girls and Drew, Haley, Natalie, Reindhart and Zack all from Atlanta y'all. All sore heads the next morning we headed to get our Laos visas and even though we were first through the border we had to wait about an hour and a half for the rest to get through, we all bonded the nigt before afterall :) By the time we all got to the slow boat it was RAMMED, all the bus seats that were tied to the deck were full and the plastic chairs that they had in the aisles were also taken! One German guy was shoutin at the guide to say that no more people could fit so we were just standing around with our bags waiting to be told what to do - we totally lucked in though as we got another boat basically to ourselves - this helped immensly with the hangover and we all had a nice 6 hour trip to Pak Beng, taking in the beautiful scenery along the way and drinking a few beer Lao to help the journey pass!
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