Onto a new tour again to the desserts of Alberta! Lol Met another tour guide...Greg. Again, an awesome guy!
First stop was straight to Calgary and then onto Horseshoe Canyon. After that we visited Drumheller. They have all these statues of dinosaurs around the town and thats what they are famous for. They have a massive T rex like 26m tall or something stupid like that! And then continuing on the dinosaur idea we visited the Royal Tyrell Museum. Its a massive dinosaur museum containing all these fossils and other stuff....cant say I found it too entertaining! haha
After we saw another Canyon this time Horsethief. Then across the river on our massive ferry ride (Thanks Greg for the exaggeration!) and onto the hoodoos. They are massive sandstone sculptures in many random shapes...kinda like the Pinnacles in WA. Then the last stop of the day was probably the best, The Last Chance Saloon. It was a pub in a town called Wayne which only has 27 residents. They serve beer out of jam wierd! But the beer actually tasted really nice!
The last stop for the nigth was Calgary wherewe were staying. The hostel was in the dodgiest part of town....The local park next door was home to all the local drug bad! Went out to a pub for the first time in Canada...just like home. But I must say the company I had was much better! I miss you already Andrew!!! :(
The next day was another early start....surprise haha! First stop was Big Rock. And quess what it was??? A big rock in the middle of a field. haha apprarently some glacier in the last ice age moved it there?
Next was the town of Nanton. We stopped to take a look at the air museum there. They have all these planes and things from WW2 so it was quite interesting (better than the dinosaurs!! Then to the highlight of the day, Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump. It was a place where the Indians used to drive Buffalo off the cliff for food and one day, one of the younger Indians went to the bottom of the cliff to watch and was killed...hence head smashed in. They had a large museum there and it was interesting to read all about the First Nation People.
Then we drive all the way back to Banff...and I finally washed all my clothes so i smell all nice now :P
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