Jason made a lovely breakfast this morning of scrambled eggs and the chorizo type sausage that Szilvia had given us. Em and meg played in the playground (of course!) and afterwards we strolled down to the lakeside to jump on rocks and feel how cold the water was - very!
The campsite guy had recommended a few walks in the area, most of which weren't doable with the kids, but there was a waterfall that you could either walk or drive to and it was an easy walk, no longer than an hour.
So campsite guy completely underestimated the ability of my husband and children to drag their heels, whinge, cry, complain, refuse to move, demand to be carried, scream, etc etc. For the first time in my life I had sympathy for my parents and their frequent attempts to take us (unhappily) bushwalking. It was a bloody trial I can tell you, and the whole ordeal lasted 2 hours. We did see a waterfall, but I think I was the only one impressed.
We went back to Eidfjord for a late lunch, where Jason had the most expensive cheeseburger ever £15 from a roadside cafe. Eating out is super expensive here. I did a quick shop at the supermarket and posted some little birthday gifts to my nephew.
Back at the campsite we were going to go canoeing but it was raining steadily. Jason and felix had naps in the tent while I stayed in the car with the girls who were finishing a DVD. Meg fell asleep so em and I did some of her writing workbook. She's so clever. When meggy woke they reminded me (repeatedly) that they wanted an ice-cream, so we went to the camp store and they chose an ice lolly each. They then sat outside in the rain, shivering as they ate them! Strange creatures. At least felix got some time out of the car to play today. He was incredibly good yesterday - over 5 hrs in the car and not a peep! He really is amazing. He's into everything, pulling himself everywhere and loves to stand with some help. Tomorrow we head to Bergen. We've been lucky with the campsites so far. Lots of proper camper-type people and loads of hikers around. The children kind of preclude hiking, still - so do the mountains!
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