After we hit the road again we checked out the Death Valley Salt Basin - it kind of looks the same as the salt flats we get back home so kinda wasn't blown away. But it was cool to know we were below sea level and the variation of temperatures we have been through in the past fee days. Now we're back in the desert and although its not hot right now we have driven from 0 degrees to 26 degrees in one day. And it would be hot and dry here in a few months.
There was lots of people on push bikes riding through the Valley, even some running - A lady at the salt flats stop had ridden far enough. -she was walking like her backside was a bit over it.
The valley is really quite beautiful even if it is a desert.
We camped at Texas Springs which wasn't too busy when we arrived . It had a backdrop of some beautiful big mountains which were gold in the sunset. It would have been nice to stay and explore but time is a little limited. As the sun was setting we lit a campfire with some wood we bought at Williams apparently they aren't worried about campfires getting out of hand here - it is the dessert after all and there is very few trees.
After checking the map for our next destination I realised the Tioga Pass was the only route from Death Valley to Yosemite. Quite a disaster really as it is closed until May with snow. I knew it might be closed but i thought 6 hours away there would be a road to the west entrance somewhere!
During the night lots of people piled into the campground including a group of scouts. When we woke up the campground was really busy with people. We headed off early (7am) as we/I wanted to make it to Yosemite today. I'm pretty sure mike is happy to drive in whichever direction I choose.
- comments
bruce looks like they have no need for a lawn mower there
sal-mick Haha yeh definitely not!