hey everyone! again it's been a while... we're in Vilankulo right now in Mozambique. Got to Maputo safely and stayed 2 nights there and 3 nights in Tofo. Took a 5 hour "chapa" ride/ a glorifed van where they shove as many man/bags or chickens in as they can fit. two thirds of the sac is ill due to foolish water drinking/ice cubes tsk tsk. Been getting tonnes of sun and a little rain and when i say a little i mean 5 minutes of it dumping on you without warning. Abi and me went snorkelling with whale sharks and manates in tofo and I got stung by some snake like jelly fish thing.. nothing serious just irrated my arm a bit. Steven's back is bubbly tho he claims it doesn't hurt. Been eating mostly fried chicken as it's pretty uch the staple food here and drinking lots of orange pop. haha. found maputo to be much more the authentic africa we were expecting. much less touristy and we are definitley the minority attempting to learn some portugese. heading to chimoio tomorrow then tete and hopefully into Zambia for the famous victoria falls. miss everyone lots!
-Chalsey, Steven, Abi
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