So happy to know that you have completed your grand adventure unscathed.
Lots and lots and lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Ryan,
Have just received some brilliant photos of you at the Hoover Dam and The Grand Canyon; you look great
Enjoy your last part of your trip and come home safe.
Love you very much xxxxx
Hi Ryan,
I am so happy for you that you are having such a good time and that you have survived intact; what am I like? All that worrying for nothing I am very glad to say.
Love you lots xxxxxx
Sue's right, I loved San Francisco. I wish I was there with you. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!
Sue James
Hey.. Long time that i didn't write on this ... Shame on me - Donna has been the staR THO.. SHE PUTS US ALL TO SHAME... ANYWAYS .. God didn;'t mean to go into Caps but I can't be bothered to delete now.. Soon be home! God that was a quick 9 months or whatever... Enjoy the rest of your away days.. Have u seen Yogi? or was he in another park as apposed to Yosemite? Think I have them mixed up - just remembered - Yellowstone! Anyway waffle... Hope that u love S.F. Laid back and mellow.. Your Dad loved it... Spk soon xxxxxxx
Hi Ry,
Another very interesting blog; keep especially safe on the last leg, don't let your guard down.
Love you very much
Donna xxx
Hi Ry,
You continue to give good blog;I think you should convert your blog to a book when you return.
Paul has an appointment 27th April for an MRI scan of his spine but he is gaining in strength and his moral is a little better.
It will be the 5th Anniversary of James 'death on 20th April, so if you are near a cathedral or church please light a candle for him.
US sounds very interesting, but take care accepting drinks, ensure that there is not an opportunity for them to be spiked!
Lots of love
Donna xxx
Donna Bridgwood
Hi Ry,
Paul came home a week ago; he is still very weak but the nurse took his 50 staples out today, so that's some progress. She has been visiting daily to give injections and take blood for various tests.
Hope you are keeping well. Do you know yet if Ciara will be able to join you?
Sorry I spelt her name wrong a couple of messages ago but my friend has a daughter named Kiera and with all the hospital visiting I was very tired and writing on auto pilot.
Lots of love
Donna xxx
Hi Ry,
Paul is out of intensive care and things are looking promising; we just have to wait for a histology report. Thank you for your card,NZ looks awesome.
Continue to enjoy yourself and keep up the high standard of blogging.
Love you lots
Donna xxx
Hi Handsome,
We went to see the anaethetist today;Paul has his op on Wednesday 10th March
It should take about three hours and he will have to stay in afterwards for 10 to 15 days,
Hope you are thoroughly happy and cannot wait to see you and,Kiera, of course.
Love you
Donna xxxxx
Hi Ry,
Sorry I haven't contacted you recently, but Paul is in hospital again for more tests. You continue to amaze me with your blogging skills; take great care of yourself.
Much Love
Donna xxx
Sue James
Sounds like you are having a ball.. What is that goon stuff like? Cheap and nasty or okish but still cheap? You will now be in NZ so have the best time. You would not believe how lucky that you picked this year to be away cos (Boring old English peep talking abo
ut the weather) it is diabolical here!!! Anyway enjoy your time there and do they have goon? They probably have their own take on it... Lots of Love to you xxxx