Same question as your dad on the 15th.Otherwise, how is my beautiful nephew doing? Are the evenings more exciting now? Hope you are steering clear of any possible trouble and continuing to enjoy your adventure.
Much Lovexoxoxoxxo
What happened to your nose and chin Ryan?
Pete Hayre
Hey Guys
I read you blogs all the time Ry don't worry and cheers for making mum's curry internationally known ;oP
She asked how you were and said she will have one ready for you whe you get back!! Honestly mate you guys sound like you having a really good time (apart from smackrat towers) and enjoying the trip.
Keep it up with the fantastic blogs as they are the one thing I look forward to sitting in this s***pit you once called work ha ha
Take care of each other
Be safe
Lil Sis
Hey Bro,
Great blog it made me laugh out load in places! You are quite good at this writing malarky!
Hope Ciara is ok after her turtle style fall?
Don't worry about your budget, b'day and xmas is fast approaching xx
Love you xx
Donna 28Th Oct.
Hiya rya,
Me again,I hope you are continuing to have a great time.
Nan sends her love.
Please do not drink any strange concoctions if they celebrate Hallowe'en where you are;I think it unlikely but commercialism gets everywhere.
Lots of love,continue to look out for Ciara.
Lil Sis
Hey Big Bro,
Still enjoying reading your blogs and facebook updates, can't beleive I have'nt seen you since September!
Sounds like your having a blast and the pics are lovely, so at least I can see you that way.
I've got Reag again at the weekend and we are going to his birthday party too, the kids are excited!
Looking forward to our next phone call :)
Love you, miss you xxxx
Donna 20Th Oct.
Hiya Riya.
You continue to give great blog.Please send me your e-mail address(Rod said he would send it to me but hey ho it has not arrived. )I need it to send you an e card for your birthday.
If you are near any temples on thr 26th(James ' birthday) please light a candle for him;he would have been 29.Take care. much love Donna
Great blog from Cambodia Ryan. The move from the junkie hotel was a good one - keep your eyes peeled. I bet you're enjoying the beach break and I presume the mozzies don't bother you there.
Keep enjoying yourselves and keep blogging.
Dad. X
Pete Hayre
Whats crackalackin you two
The blog is awesome but depressing at the same time... AWESOME you guys are having such an amazing time... DEPRESSING I'm stuck in old blighty... hope you know what your doing with that so called booze your guzzling out there!!!
Look forward to the next installment guys ;o)
Be safe
Donna 9Th Oct
Hiya Rya,
Again excellent interesting blog; you clever thing!
I agree with Rod about the drink,you don't want to ruin your well-honed body do you? Stay happy and look after each other.
Much Love Donna-Paul sends his too!
Brilliant last blog. You're fitting plenty in! Nice to read that your making sensible decisions regarding the booze etc. (I can't help it Ryan, I'm your dad)
I agree it's a bit of a shame about Vietnam but you made the right call - better safe than sorry.
Don't get in the habit of leaving Ciara alone eh?
Keep some money back for the Blu-Ray player you're going to need!