What a lovely family you've got Ryan. I'm counting the days too - 144 gone, 159 to go, trip 47.52% complete.
Keep enjoying yourself, keep your eye out, stay safe.
Dad X
Hi Bro,
Sorry it has taken so long for me to read your blog, but it was worth the wait, very entertaining as usual! I especially liked my email today about your cheese and cracker picnic on the beach, it made me laugh out loud!
Sending you all my love and safe thoughts, Barrie and the kids say Hi.
Counting the days xx
Hi Ry,
Hope you are well.
I am just off to visit Paul; he had an Octreoscan yesterday and is having another today. Hopefully we will have some results soon.
Love you very much
Donna xxxxx
Love the latest blog Ry. And great to chat yesterday. Stay away from those pesky little Tasmanian devils while you're down there eh?
Keep going!
Dad. X
Hi Ry,
How is the blogger extarordinaire doing?Hope that both you and Ciara are doing well.
We have had a massive amount of snow, over the last week, but nowhere near as much as the UK!
It is very picturesque but lethal on the roads, as we discovered when we went for Paul's appointment with the GP yesterday. Following recent tests, it now looks extremely likely that Paul has a malignant cancer; we are off to see a professor in Limoges on Wednesday and our GP says that with this type of carcinoid tumour surgery will be necessary.
That will mean that Paul will have had five operations in just over two years.
Sorry that this news is so depressing but I thought that you would want to know what's going on. Please make the most of all your opportunities but remember to STAY SAFE!
Much Love
Donna xxx
HAPPY NEW YEAR RYAN AND CIARA,hope you celebrated it well!
Much Love
Donna xxx
Hi Ry,
Sorry I could not send you a message on Christmas Day, but we had not managed to get our new computer up and running. I was thinking of you and hope you had
a wonderful day.
Lots of love
Love you lots
Hi Ry,
You really should be a travel writer and presenter for T.V.Your writing is very conversational in style and your photos are pretty good too!
Carry on having a lovely time with Ciara and have a very happy Christmas.
Love you lots
hey bro, another great read and some nice pics. Hope you got me one of those hoofing incense sticks!!!
Your photography is almost as good as your writing, not sure that Ciara would agree though taking shots of the poor girl asleep!
love you x
Sue James
Hey you two.. JEALOUS... Oh for a bit of heat.. I would not even mind a mozzie bite cos at least I would be in a hot climate...Your blogs are amazing... God knows how you can write so much.. Well done Ryan you are excelling in your writing.. Anyway hope that u r both well . That last place sounded well chilled... Bring on Oz.. That will be a Xmas to remember. Love to you both and you are honestly missing Nothing here. xxx
Donna 27Th Nov.
Hi Ry,
How dare those pesky mozzies be so cruel to you;try not to scratch,easier said than done,and your handsome face will be O.K.
Hope ciara is well and that your tummy has recovered!