Hello to all! Sorry I haven't made an entry in god knows how long. We just got into the habit of not going on the internet. It's a very easy trap to slip into. However I am updating you guys now and thats what is most important. Of course I am going to have to backtrack to the mountains of Malaysia but I have no one to blame but myself. Last entry left you guys in the knowledge that we were in Tamen Negara and had just completed a three day jungle trek. We proceeded from here to the Cameron Highlands. A lot of people had recommend this area for us for chill out time and thats exactly what we used it for. We stayed in a dorm at Daniel's Lodge. For three nights we watched films in the movie room, (selection of 800 movies), drank beer and played pool, read books and enjoyed the muck lower temperatures. The highlands, being much higher than the rest of Malaysia, are about 10 degrees cooler so it was great to relaz there after the jungle trek. On our final day in Cameron Highlands we hired push bikes and attempted the 8km to the big tea plantation. Due to crazy weather conditions and Pierre's bike being diabolical we had to cut the ride short and stop for lunch and then chose to just go to Butterfly Farm which was fun. They had loads of snakes, beetles, buterflys etc and we got to pick up a Rhino Beetle which was huge. The next day we had an early start to head to the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpar.
Kl is an incredibly wicked place. I think we had about three nights. Funnily enough as soon as we arrived we ran into two friends we met in Penang, so we found some cheap accomodation and went for a chinky and a couple of drinks at the Reggae bar. We were staying in China Town cause of the low low prices and the Reggae Bar is the best bar in that area. We didn't find out till the last night but they do Shisha's for three quid and they top them up as many times as you like. I forgot to mention before but in Cameron Highlands my front tooth crumbled and came away while i was eating an ice-cream. So the next day I enquied about an appointment at a dentistry and we all did our own thing really. I spent the day shopping which FYI (For your information) is INCREDIBLE in KL. I could have spent about a grand, lol. I also enquired about my camera but the Canon workshop were useless so not much could be done. That night we decided to hit the town and had a few drinks and then hung around some bars. I think the night life in KL could be improved. There are no cheap options, either you hang around cheap dingy bars or you spend ridiculous amount's of money in the top night clubs. Our night wasn't that great but we made friends with two girls in Mcdonalds and we saw them the next day at the Petrona's towers. It was a saturday we went on and because it is supposed to be some much busier we hit the queue early. To climb the towers it is free but with limited tickets and it's on a first come first serve basis. We got there much to early, around seven and we had our slot almost straight away so we just got a coffee then cruised up. The sky-bridge was great, that is the highest you can go, we had great views of the city and got some cool photos. After this is headed to the Muslim pilcrimage sight called the Batu Caves. It was about 300 steps and was literally just a massive cave. There was a cool statue but wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Sara and Lydia suggested hitting the food court at the biggest shopping mall called the Pavilon. It was AWESOME. I have never witnessed so many various types of food in my life. Everything you can imagine they had, so I really pushed the boat out and got sweet and sour pork, lol. Was the best I have ever had though. After this we did some shopping and then walked to the Sky Tower. We had to pay to get up the Sky Tower but it was so worth it. We knew to go at dusk cause you get to see the city lights come on which was fantastic. You also get great views of Petrona's towers all lit up. I really liked the photo of us three at the top of the tower. That night we met the girls and went to eat at the food court again, lol. Then just cruised around in the expensive area of town, imagining what it would be like if we could afford the drinks inside. We hit the Reggea bar after and got a Shisha so the night ended well. The last day was the best, there is a massive shopping mall called Time Square, and inside there is, wait for it, a theme park! That was really fun, we did every ride we could and much fun was had. Then shopping followed and I think we watched a film but it must have been really rubbish because I can't even remember what it was. That night we just chilled and took it easy. Oh yeah, that morning I had my dental surgery done and got a tooth which should last be about six months, I just have to be careful. It looks even better then the real one, lol. The next morning we had a bus to Pualo Tioman.
Tioman is an island of the east coast and is great for diving so thats where we headed. However when we got the harbour we found out we had missed the last boat. We found a cheap hostel and saw a football pitch so we went and had a game of 11 a-side with the locals, I have never witnessed such a low standard of football from adults before but it was still really fun. The next morning we took the fast ferry to the island and found a cool beach hut to make our home for the next three nights. Pierre took serious ear damage when he didn't equalise properly while free-diving in the Perhentian Islands, so we enquired about that and then decided we didn't want to risk damging it further so we didn't scuba dive. Instead we lay on the beach all day. One day Me and Pierre swam round to a jetty around the end of the bay and found the Malaysian Naval force snorkelling and jumping off the jetty. That was a great day cause we messed around jumping and then they invited us to their BBQ on the beach after. One night we went to La La Land, worst name for a bar ever by the way, had a lot of tigers, got invited to their family meal and some guy with a guitar turned up and played some tunes for a couple of hours by the bon fire so that was kinda cool. Also one night we stayed up till like 4:30am to watch Arsenal vs Man U. I think, I was so tired I can't even remmber what happened but I think Arsenal lost. After Tioman it was all the way to Singapore. The border was a laugh, we knew how expensive booze was in Singapore so we bought duty free vodka in Malaysia. I had the job of getting it through customs but I bottled it and declared it. I didn't have to pay the tax on it all I had to do was promise I would take it back to mine own country with me, lol. That never happened. Singapore was wicked. We wanted to stay at the Inn Crowd which is the main backpackers site in Singapore but it was fully booked for our first night so we booked up for the other two nights and then stayed at Nava's Place which wasn't great social wise but the facilities were wicked and we had Air-Con. That night we hit the town for a subway and a cruise along Clarke quay trying to suse out the night-life ready for the next night. If we were talking I would say guess how much was a pint was, Ill tell you, about 5.50 quid. No joke, we had one and a game of pool. However this was at a place where they brewed there own beer and it was the best pint I have had in a long time. The next day we switched to The Inn Crowd and met this Kiwi couple who were really cool. That day we did a little shopping, chilled out and then hit the town hard with our litre of vodka. Unfortunatly due to our attire we weren't allowed into Ministry of Sound or saying that we got rejected by all the big clubs cause of our shorts. It sucked, but then we found a back entrance to this club through these random toilets and the bouncer said we can slip him $20 each and he will let us in. We had a wicked night in the end, the music was great and we just danced till some crazy hour. I think I messed up the days but I think the next day we hit Sentosa Island. The sacred island all the Singaporeans love. We got a cable car there, their harbour is so huge and we had great views of the city. We climbed the Merlion Statue and did the Aquarium followed by the beach for a coupfe of hours, kicked some guys asses at football then got destroyed at volleyball then we watched the Dolphin show. It was a great day and much fun was had by all, we got the cable car back and then just went for dinner in a food court with teh Kiwi couple that evening. The next day was wicked, we went with this couple to some wakeboarding thing the bloke had heard of. We paid for two hours and its like on a cable and was really fun. We kinda got the hang of it at the end but it is so tough. Got some great pictures. That night we hit the Singapore night safari, we went with a bunch of people from our hostel. It was really cool, made a lot of friends. The animals were wicked, lions roaring, face to face with a leopard, 20m from a tiger. We had a great night. The next day involved shopping and chilling really, just waiting for the time to pass before our flight. We did go to Rafflers which is this awesome hotel where all the celeb's stay and where they apparently invented the Singapore Sling, so we all got one and it was very tasty, after this we went make to the hotel. There were two girls we met in Thailand who turned up at our hotel and we also found out they were on our flight, when we got back we were a little bit worried to find out they had left to the airport an hour before. So we wet ourselves and decided to sprint through all the tube stations and the airport and the city thinking we would miss our flight. We got there and it turned out we stil had an hour to check in, it was still really fun though. Singapore airport is INCREDIBLE. For starters they had a subway, followed by free internet access closely followed by free foot massages, lol. The flight sucked, we had to stop in Darwin at like 4am and get back on the plain. We also had loadsa stuff taken off us cause the customs were so tight. We arrived in Cairns later that day and checked into Gilligans which is the party central hostel that almost everyone stays in. Its a different world compared to south east Asia. The first night their we were all pretty shattered but we ended up randomly getting drunk with our friends who were on our flight and ended up staying at Gilligans with us. Goon is a really cheap wine and with beer being so expensive everyone drinks it instead. We had the best nite ever. Loadsa really cool photos and dancing till about 4am. We spent the next two days hanging out this lagoon by the beach cause the beach isn't that great. The lagoon was this huge artificial beach and swimming pool area. Also on the thursday it was Lucy's bday so we all went out for that and also met there friend who lives and works in Cairns. That was also a cool night, had a steak and a pint for five quid, lol. There were also 50p drinks at this other bar so everyone got very merry to say the least. The next day we had to head up to Cape Trib and Pat the genius thought we would be funny to turn the alarm off and not get up so we missed our bus and subsequently many activites on the way up. We had to pay 30 quid each to get up there cause we had already prepaid for accomodation so we had to get up there for that. We still had a great weekend, snorkelling on the reef we saw blue-spotted rays, loadsa fish including big Wrasse. Also we did a night safari and on the way back we got on the wrong bus and ended up with a free Croc spotting trip and we saw like 3m and 5m saltwaters crocidiles. We got back to Cairns and just chilled that evening. Laura and Lucy had rented a caravan and they gave us a lift down to Mission beach the next morning. It was highly illegaly cause there are no seats in the back and we did get tailed by police for a short period but we shook them off after a while. We got to Mission beach that afternoon and stay at Scotty's beach house, only us three cause the girls stayed at a campervan site. We have just been relaxing here for two days by the pool, trying to plan the rest of our trip in Aus. However I literally just returned from skydiving. It was incredible, lol. We went about 11am and got all our harnesses on and stuff then went up in the plan just six of us. The views from the plan were immense, you could see the reef and the beach. Then at 14,000 ft we had to shuffle to edge and just jump and do a banana shape in the air with your legs. It was 60 seconds freefall then messing around in the parachute and landing on the beach. I have bought the video for it and Im gonna try and stick it on facebook tonite. It was so incredible, adrenaline was just immense! Im still feel wierd and like Im floating even now. After this will be hitting the half-moon party at Magnetic Island, then sailing Whitsundays and Safari and camping on Fraser island. Ill update everyone after thats all done. Hope you enjoyed the blog, took me bloody ages to write. Spk to all soon, Ryan.
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