i know i've been absolutley horrible aboiut up loading pictures, but i can't upload it into any of the computers except my own. so sorrry about that.
anyhoo, just got back from the 4 ay trip with my grandparents to the grand cnayon, and it was absolutley beautiful! the weather, the sights, the almost everything! the only bad thing was that evrything was so overpriced, but i guess that is to be expected from one of the worlds greates wonders. we stayed in a little old route 66 town called williams for the first night, and it was way cute! we did a little bit of shopping and i got to pet a wolf! they r still my favorite animals bt they are LARGE! like, same size to bigger the size of a great dane. not kidding a bit. but they are beautiful animals. the next morning, me and my grandma took the grand canyon train up to alaska. haha FOOLED YOU!!!! nope we went to the grand canyon while my grandpa took the car and drove up so we would have access to a car while at the natural wonder. we sightseed and took a billiion and ahalf pictures and visted a billion and ahalf gift shopps and bought nothing. ^^ we got the store owners mad...
haha anyhoo, the next morning we woke up at 4:30 in the morning to see the sunrise which is supposed to be beautiul. but there were clouds covering the sun for an hour, so we waited an hour to see the sun. but it was still really pretty. we left around noon for sedona, which is always beutiful. we arived around two or three in the afternoon and checked into our resorte hotel which had a pool and a fitness room! that made me happy and not feeling like a complete blob of fat. after running and swin=mming for a little over and hour, we window shopped for a while and my will power was tested to the extreme. we passed by a fudge shop. with almost every single kinda fudge that had been invented, along with barks and turtles and haystacks, and much more that i can't rmember. i walked away from that shop with nothing more than a sample of amaretto fudge. i was so proud of myself....
we ate dinner at wildflower bread company and then headed back to the hotel were we relaxed for the rest of the night. we left around ten this morning to phoenix to pick up my dog and head back to tuscon. everything is good and my dog is hapy to be in a yard that isn't dead.
i'll check back in later
hasta luego people
TAP, Teresa
we ate dinner at
- comments
Nana You can upload some of my Grand Canyon pictures if you would like.