We met up with Melinda, one of 3 RockyView Schools exchange teachers in Australia this year. It was good to compare stories with her and discover that we weren't the only ones dealing with homesickness and frustrations in adjusting to a new culture.
The Perth Lifesaver helicopter is a comforting sight to the locals. It flies back and forth on the lookout for vessels and people in distress, incidents on beaches, rip currents and marine life including sharks. If it hovers over a spot near you, get out of the water ... it could be a shark!
Government approved a shark cull policy which allows Western Australia to catch and kill any tiger, bull or great white shark greater than 3 metres long. Sharks that meet the minimum size requirement are shot then dumped further out at sea. It seems like an invasion of their habitat and an overreaction to only a handful of deaths. There are more cow attacks than shark attacks! Is it worth it?
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