Never mind that there are a lot of things related to moving overseas involving getting organized etc. I'm having to deal with the other things prior to leaving that I never would have given a thought to in the past.
Like having to prepare for a long road trip and owning an old car that needs work I find myself doing a lot of things to get my less than perfect body ready for not having all the accustomed medical aids right next door. I'm doing physio, seeing an chiro, getting new glasses, buying a brace etc, etc. I recall when preparing for travel involved little more than packing and having things on the other end organized. Not now.
If you'd asked me 10 years ago if I was physically ready for a long trip overseas I'd have answered "of course" and wondered if you'd been drinking or had hypochondriac tendencies that required therapy. Now I find myself examining every aspect of the trip from airline seats to places we'll be visiting and wondering if I can handle things.
It's not that I'm soft. After all I did travel around the world a little more than a week after being injured in a car crash. Yes, I did finish that trip in a wheel chair, but the fact remains... I did it. That said, I am still doing all these things to try and prepare myself and it's just over a year later.
So, maybe it's getting old. Maybe I'm smarter and more careful now. Whatever it is I'm finding that it bothers me and I wonder what future trips will look like. I just can't see Nancy and I traveling with a bunch of old farts and only staying in "safe" and comfortable places where people are on hand to make sure we don't stub our toes.
Oh well. Old and damaged or not I intend to continue to travel until I am no longer able to. Now, do I bring my cane to Atlanta next week or not?...
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