A devestating realization hit me (Nancy) yesterday. While, yes, there are far more greater events happening across the world that is truly tragic, my new revelation is quite a personal shock to me - my hubby's count of countries travelled will ALWAYS be higher than me. ARUGHGH!
One of the reasons we were drawn to each other during our courtship is because we identified ourselves as 'travellers', not 'tourists'. It was important to us to experience cultures by getting involved and not just pass through. He had already seen many Eastern European countries such as Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Belarus, Albania, etc. I, however, had backpacked through a different route - SE Asia, Central America, and Western Europe. Since getting married, we have continued our global adventures together. Last summer, for example, we went around the world ... literally. We started in Airdrie, AB, and headed West until we got home. Connected in Vancouver, walked Venice Beach and Santa Monica in LA, explored southern half of Japan, fought through South Korea, touched Guangzhou (China), toured through India's Golden Triangle area, experienced Jordan's Dead Sea to Red Sea, transferred in London, drove around Ireland, and flew back home to Canada. In the end, we each added to our count.
With an upcoming year in Australia and 6 months after that for some personal travel time, we have an extensive list of places to add to our passport. New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Phillipines, New Calendonia, Tasmania, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and more. The prospect of mingling with these unique cultures is exciting!
But, ahhh. Back to my rant. The above list will be increase the total count on BOTH of our list. To date, he has been to 55 countries. I am behind at 48. With flights to Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia, the gap will widen between us. HIS list will get longer since I have already 'accumulated' these countries on my list. Sadly, it is my competitive nature shining through. While hubby graciously 'allowed' me to complete a small dream of mine to check out South America on my own in the first year of our marriage, I highly doubt that he will 'allow' me to go out on my own again now that we are officially 'ball and chained' together. How will I ever top him???
I even proudly can say, with a lot of work, I completely fill up my passport! Who can make that claim!?! (Not hubby.) When I was down to my last 2 pages in Vietnam but still had several more entries / exits to get stamped in my passport before my return, I admit that I was a little nervous to what might happen at the borders. I was a traveller in full gear!!!
But damn now. 48 to 55. Booo.
(NOTE: I do acknowedge that it is absolutely wonderful that we CAN travel together! I truly hated travelling through Peru and Bolivia by myself, all the time eagerly anticipating our nightly Skype chats to tell him what I had seen. Some couples can't even survive travelling together!)
- comments
Hubby Snicker...
Cybermom Nancy I am sure you will figure something out.... maybe even D-I-V-O-R-C-E for awhile. hahahaha so snicker on hubby of Nancy's. LOL