So I went into work today with the same feeling I had every other day.
I had been here for the past 6 weeks taking in everything around me from attitude, culture to the food we eat everyday (This is vegetables and pork for every meal. Yes, including breakfast! (Previously, my favourite meal of the day - I am expecting Crunchy Nut Clusters in the cupboard because I know my mother will read this at some point). Some days it was a struggle, some days it was more than bearable. Mainly because of the people I spend my time with and keeping myself busy with errands. Without these two, this trip would almost be impossible. I know it sounds extreme but it is a lot harder being here than I ever imagined. I have discovered, I really am a home girl and I love everything about my family, the area I live and the friends I have come to know. I also like things to be organised and keep on top of things; the two that do not exist in the Philippines.
I thought over a period of time we would adapt and the feelings would be mutual and pretty much the same; all the time. This is complete rubbish. It is a rollercoaster, but now I can safely finish off the sentence with "that only goes up!"
I came into work to find that the Executive Director of the Charity - GVSP approved of my memo and for the Project to be set up. The only thing I need to convince is the Department of Education in the Philippines with the letter that has been approved.
For a while, I was thinking this is unbelievable, nothing is going right and nothing is ever really finished. One that is simply because me and the Filipinos are "World's apart." Literally. Attitude, opinions and needs are just so different like you wouldn't believe. What they need is what we already have, hence for the "stop complaining, start appreciating" rants from VSO volunteers.
But with one simple signature, it has all changed. For somebody who didn't appreciate Graduation Day, I am definitely feeling like I have finally accomplished something just by being here.
"I am walking on sunshine and don't it feel good hey"
- comments
Mum I think you'll make an enormous difference to the lives of Deaf Filippinos and we are emmensely proud. As a reward I will buy Honey Nut Clusters for your return even if they are NOT on offer. X