As part of the pre-assesment programme we has to gather for our final session before our flight which was summing up everything we needed to know during our stay in the Philippines. From making a giraffe out of newspaper to acting (silly or fun, I'm not sure). The idea of leaving really hasn't hit me, until the sight of 9 volunteers wandering around the airport. It had me thinking "there's no going back...."
You would have thoughts about the trip before you have even met the volunteers you would be travelling with or really got to know what they're like; naturally. So what I had in mind wasn't what I had realised. They are a funny bunch and to my surprise, we had already landed in Dubai after flying for 6 hours and 29 minutes. Thats 3584 miles. I suppose time sure does fly by when you're having fun (sleeping too).
We could also thank Emirates for the films and for it to be captioned since its typical rubbish entertainment (and one of life's simple pleasures for the British). Going from not being able to board planes to having access to at least a film that's only a few months old (not years!) we certainly have come far. Now, will I think this way at the end of the trip? 1. Appreciate the things I already have more or 2. Start living in a world where I expect less?
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