It has been a few weeks since my last blog and I have done a few miles in that time.
After Siem Reap we headed down to Phnom Penh. The city is crazy. We had not got off the bus when we were swamped by loads of tuk tuk drivers. We got one and he ran off and told us to wait there while he got his tuk tuk, then another showed up and said he would take us as he was the other ones brother and it was ok. What did we care, we just wanted to go to the hotel!! We stayed a only a few days in Phnom Penh. We saw the Grand Palace and a few other buildings then as we strolled around the markets Sue pointed out a guy doing cut throat shaves. Never having one before I was willing to try. He was really good and my face was incredible smooth afterwards and no shaving rash. We then found the most amazing restaurant. It is called Friends which is run by an organisation which helps children get off the streets by re-training them in different jobs, one being hospitality. The food was fantastic, the flavours were outstanding along with the service. I can seriously recommend the rasberry and vanilla smoothie. It was then off to the Toul Sleng genocide museum. Once a school that was turned into Camp 21 for the prisoners – a place were they tortured and killed thousands. A very surreal place as you can see the conditions they had to live in. The next day (13/3/10) we headed to the killing fields, another place were they killed thousands of people. What hits you first is the massive tower they hae built to remember the dead, but what felt a little weird is that they have placed the bones of the people so you can see them. It was interesting to read more about the history of the Khmer Rouge and what they stood for. The fact that a lot of the ‘higher up’ leaders were very educated themselves and they are the ones who wanted to ‘start again’ and year zero by wiping out anyone with an education – along with other people.
On 17th we had decided a break from the hussle and bussle of city life was needed and we decided on a beach town of Sihanoukville. I wanted to do some more diving and Sue wanted to lie on a beach and relax. The journey down was interesting – the air conditioning on the bus broke and the driver had a serious death wish. You have to travel in these countries to know what I mean! The town was lovely, great beaches – even if they were covered with bars touting for you business. I spent the first few
days going to morning runs which I really enjoyed as have missed doing regular exercise – and no I am not getting fat!! I did have to be a little careful going past the local dogs though. I had a massage by a blind person. It is run by a company called seeing hands. She was really good, although I did tell her about a few injuries and asked for a medium massage – SHE KILLED ME!! I was in sooo much pain when she did my shoulder and neck – she kept telling me to relax, and at one point I started sweating! I will say though the next day it did feel good. I am just glad I did not ask for a hard massage.
I will not dwell on what happened over the next couple of days. All I will say is that I missed my diving (totally gutted about by the way) and I spent just about three days in the room. I don’t think some local fish and chips agreed with me. It was not pleasant at all. Had my first meal about 4 days later. Feeling much better now though.
On the 21st I managed to get to Ream National Park where we got to see Mango groves and people fishing. They have a had life. They spend all day in the water trying to catch as much fish as possible. The oyster catchers earn about 3000 Reil for 1 kg of oysters. This is about 75 cents! We saw extreme poverty. We trekked through a forest were our guide pointed out some very poisonous white jumping spiders, as we got closer he started prodding them to make them jump. We began to think he had not been given a lot of training in guiding.
On the 23rd me and Sue said our goodbyes as she headed for Vietnam and I was heading back to Bangkok for a few days before heading of to Australia – which will be my next blog. The journey back was ok, apart from the ‘over 13 hour journey’ and the fact that our driver got done for speeding, but the police man who stopped us wanted a photo with some of us – not the usual behaviour you expect!! We did not see any of the trouble with the ‘red shirt’ revolutionary party that is going on. We just saw the street they are staying on.
Until next time.
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