Rosie takes over the world!! (solo styly)
okey dokey, righty well it seems like forever since i last updates this so ive got laods to say about what ive been doing. we left the state and town of delhi, to travel thourhg haryana and into the next state which is called rajasthan and we stayed in a village there called mandawa. its a small village which is partially abandoned, because it used to be a huge centre for trade but now the traders dont travel through it so a lot of epople move to jaipur which is the capital of rajasthan. we stayed the ngiht in mandawa at the msot stunning heritgae hotel. out room was really cool. not that huge in itself but it had a little relax room and a bathroom with a corner bat6h. it was a converted haveli which are the buildings with beautiful frescoes on the walls. the hotel was stunning, and everyone had a unique room, so altho ours wasnt the best it was pretty cool. that ngiht we stayed out with the group late chatting and i got to know everyone a little better, it was only day 3 though i think so everyones still learning evryones names. the group is cool though and now looking back on it i really really like everyone, so its cool...
ok the next night still in mandawa but changed hotels, into a mud hut bungalow resort with a pool with a view over the whole desert. had a good little swim which was SO welcome in the heat. i dont think its below 40 degrees here and today whilst im writing this somone just said its 45 outside..oh my lord, imagine eating dinner and sweating at the same time, eww! the bungalow mud hut place reminded me of a scene from temptation is;and, i was trying to explain it to my scottish friends on the tour at dinner, not sure how well i did though! that night we had dinner outside, expensive little buffet, and then went to bed like 12ish, which is pretty late for our group, since we do start our packed days at 8 usually..
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