Rosie takes over the world!! (solo styly)
two nights in the kings palace, and yipee cos me and wills got seriously lucky with the room, like a flat, huge balcony, its communal but no one went on it so i used it for a bit of sun bathing whilst will went off somewhere, oh yeh for lunch, cause ide eaten big brekkie and knew it was gona be a buffet dinner. the maharajas (kings) place was really nice, spent the evenings after dinner playing cards and chilling out drinking beer (or whatever i can afford..usually water, its so sad :( ) and getting on really well with the group. ill take time now to explain a few people. ok thers the aussies, kelly, kylie and mark. kylie and mark are on their honeymoon and kelly was a bridemaid so shes joining them for this tour and some time in goa. theyre a real laugh. marks quite sarky and hes a character, kylies really sweet and she protects me against beggars and the like, and kellys super, shes really funny and we get on well, i sit with her on the bus and usually am sat next to her when i have a deep thought moment, like when i was sorting out my flights and realised i gain 18 hours at one point when i cross the international date line...mindbender or what. shes gonna pick me up from the airport in perth and after staying the first night in a youth hostel which is pre booked she says i can stay at hers til i fly to aiyres rock, (sp?!), uruluru, i dont know but basically til i leave which twil be like 3 days later maybe 2, not sure. ok, alaso theres nikki and mark, engaged to be married next year. theyre both winners, marks so funny and generally a really cool and caring guy (like kind and polite) and nikki is realli fun, along with kelly i get on with her the best. we took a cycle rickshaw (cart pulled by man on bike) to the film that day in Jaipur and we were bouncing aLL OVER THE PLACE whoa sorry bout that, and we passed all the back streets where people were carving satuff out of marble, pretty cool. i enjoyed that day, best day apart from today, il say why wen i update. ok so yeh karauli, i think we've visited one too many temples and mosques now cos the wow factor is turning off and im taking pictures for the sake rather than cos i think its cool, but soon we see the ultimate..the taj and i couldnt wait..
ok more people, theres the two Scottish girls, Leeann and Jen, who Ive been getting on well with (theyre 24 and 25 so not far away from my age), theyre cool and JEns a pharmacist so shes been helping everyone out when they dont feel well! so no more popping two paros a day to feel ok, just ask Jen and she tells u what to do!
theres Eileen adn Tony, from Dublin who are a little older and they are going back to Delhi with me will leenna nd jen, and theres britt and mike hu r canadian. britts funny, she buys stuff from the local people, so she alone ahs probably contributed more to the local economy than the whole rest of the tour! (bless). mikes quite quiet, so not heard much from him..literally. a great pair are Sham (Shamila) and Chris. They're finishing up their tour of the world, and have literally done everywhere, so learn some tips from them! Sham is so funny, shes great at bargaining so that day at the market was a right laugh when even tho uve got quite a bit of money, ur not budging from 50 rupees (like 75p)!! shes so on the ball and tells me to 'stop wprrying man' which i like, cos lets face it i am a stresshead...
yeh so i like the group and cant forget to mention Manu our tour leader such a ledgend, and now the teddy hanging off my bag is called mini manu so i can take him round the world with me. hopefully seeing him in sinapore cos hes doing the singapore to bangkok tour, starting the day i finish....
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