Rosie takes over the world!! (solo styly)
HEY! well, after quite an interesting flight (i played who wants to be a millionaire and had the choice between lots of good films!) I'm not in Delhi. at first when we pulled away from the airport i thought i was in a leisure resort. cute little patterns on the grass, flowers everwhere, huge big buildings. was beginning to thinki was in portugal...until we hit the main road. bikes everywhere, motobikes even more places, no lane stsyem or structure to the way people drive. they just use their horns a lot! ok, it was obivous when we reched the centre of New Delhi...poverty hits, tonnes of people in a very small space, small narrow roads lines with shops and hotels. it isnt as poor as Dakar i dont feel. think africa have it worse off with the deserts and such, making the sand line the streets. here the infrastucture is a little better and delhi is really built up. i was walking along the street today and even though the sun was out was always in the shade due to all the buildings and trees. gosh people stare like theyve never seen a white person before. the most amusing thing ive seen so far is a hairdressers which a painted picture of britney spears on its board! haha, bet she doesnt know that!
anyway, on sunday we join the guided tour and im looking forward to that because i'll be able to see a lot more. at the moment jetlag and illness have kept me bedbound and its so busy outside u wonder how people manage! i'll try and update when i can, especially once we've joined the toue...have a feeling it wil be an older age group though! x
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